Joining the Evil Side

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I wake up still with my head on Liam's shoulder. He looks down at me I look up at him. We smile at each other as he pets my head. I bury my face into his neck. He even smells's not weird it's now weird. I breath his scent. He smells like new stuff like a new car or something. He smiles as he continues petting my head.

I lift my head to kiss his nose. Everything about him is too cute. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I take a warm shower and brush my teeth with Oreo flavored tooth paste. You would think its quite nasty but it's actually pretty good.

I come out wearing a yellow summer dress. I touch my heart necklace lightly. Beautiful just like me. I don't usually wear dresses but it was hanging on the door handle beckoning me to put it on. I throw in some flats and a jean jacket.

I tie my hair in a pony tail. I add a red ribbon to it. It looks nice. When I come out I numb into him because he was waiting so close to the door. He grabs me pulling me off my feet as he swings me around. "You look beautiful I knew you would because I am fashionista" he says kissing his fingers like a writing does with their master piece. I can't help but let out a laugh.

He turns and walks into the bathroom. "you better be waiting out here when I come out or else your gonna get it" he says.

"Sure thing" I reply as I pace around the room. I can hear the sound of running water and the sound of Liam's singing voice as he purposely sings with a cracked voice. I laugh at his song about steak.

I look at the door still closed as I hear Harry and Cattie talking.

"You can't, Harry. You have to get over it revenge is not the right thing" I hear Caitie say

"I need to do this" Harry says angrily.

"No it's not the right thing to do and you know it" Harry sighs

"YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT CARE IF ITS RIGHT OR NOT SHES MINE MINE MINE!!!" He says in a voice that sound alien. He adds on a devilish laugh. I can picture Cattie trying to stop him.

"No Harry it's her decision you can't change that" I hear her say.

"It's not my decision but I can make it so that she can only choose me by getting rid of everyone" he laughs again. I blink several times picturing Cattie tugging on his arm as he tries to enter my room. Harry getting a look in his eye a look of disgust as he slaps Cattie with his free hand. I hear the sound of his palm hitting her face.

I hear a whimper and feet scurrying away. Harry laughs his insane laugh. I can't help but crying. No one does that to Cattie even if she is evil. I curl my fingers into fists. Why did I ever love that insane psychopath. It's all my fault anyway. It's all my fault I chose Liam and now Harry's insane I have to make this right.

But if I leave Liam then he would never forgive me and if I don't leave him Harry could hurt the people I love. I look at the bathroom door just as Liam comes out wearing some nice black jeans, a white button down with a tuxedo jacket over it. I look over at the other door. The handle shakes violently. Good thing I locked the door.

"Who's at the door?" Liam asks.

"Harry" I reply sharply. He sighs sitting next to me. He gives me a quick hug.

"Don't worry I promised that I'll protect you no matter what"

"But he'll kill you I heard him he said that he's going to get rid of everyone that stand in the way of me and him" he kisses me quickly.

"I'll protect with my life I don't care if I die as long as your safe." He gets up but I stop him with a tug on his shirt.

"No I'm sorry but unless I'm with him he's going to hurt you he's going to hurt everyone and I can't let that happen"

"No you can't think about what he'll do to you"

"It's better then seeing you and everyone else get hurt because of me" I wipe away the tears that are rushing out of my eyes. I get up and walk to the door. He grabs my hand pulling me back.

I look back at him tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry" I whisper as I shake his hand off. He pulls turns me and pulls my close. He kisses me as he whispers in my ear "meet me in my room tomorrow" I nod as he let's go of me. I walk to the door breathing in a breath if nervousness. I unlock the door and open it.

I hug Harry tightly. He stumbles back dropping a knife he was holding. He then hugs me back. "I'm sorry I made a mistake I couldn't stand being away from you" I say with tears that aren't meant for him but meant for Liam. He let's go of my and looks at my eyes. He wipes away my tears with his thumb.

"Don't cry little fawn come on let's go to my room okay?" I nod as he wraps his arm around me and leads me to the door by the kitchen. I past four other doors not including mine. Niall's door is right next to mine followed my Louis then Liam and ending with Zayn then Harry's door. They're all the same door except with their name indented into it.

Harry opens the door to his room. His clothes scattered on the floor. I walk over them as I sit on the edge of his neon green bed. It's so bright. On the wall hangs posters that I can't really tell of what. His bed is the only place besides a monogamy desk that's not covered with stuff. On a drawer are snow globes. A guitar hangs on the wall. I lay down on the bed.

"I'm glad that you made up your mind if you didn't I would of made it up for you" he says kissing my forehead. I turn away from him. He hugs me for behind. I fold my arms not wanting to give in. He kisses my check and I smile. I unfold my arms and lean into him.

In my mind I'll be his in my heart I'll be Liam's always. He kisses my softly and gently like I'm fragile and he doesn't want to break me. I slowly fall asleep.i let my mind wonder into the dream word just to wake up. But for now I will sleep and worry about nothing else.

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