August (Part One)

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"Do you want me to come with you?" Cory asks me after just finishing his toast.

"Do you want to come?" I ask him in return.

"That's not fair, answering a question with a question."

"Yes, well life isn't fair. So do you actually want to come or not? If you don't then that's fine. You can be browsing for christening decorations," I tell as I take a bit of my own toast.

"I'll go with you."

"You don't trust me do you?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Can you blame me? Also why can't I just be there to support my girlfriend?" he asks me, now narrowing his own eyes.

"It's only a follow up appointment Cory. It's not like I'm getting life or death test results back. It's just to see if my medication needs adjusting," I try and tell him.

He looks as though he is thinking about what I have said. Erin has no idea what is going on and is trying to punch a tub of yogurt, which I quickly take away from her and start feeding her myself.

"I'll still go, I want to be there," he then tells me just as Erin takes a big mouthful of the yogurt, moving her whole head forward as she does so.

"Did my mum tell you to go?" I ask him, realising what is going on.

Cory nods his head at me, not quite meeting my eyes as he does so.

"Well that makes sense. I know she doesn't trust me," I say to him as I continue to feed Erin.

The next few days are going to be rather busy. Today I have a follow up doctor's appointment to see how I am doing. I don't really know what to expect although I do feel a lot better with myself.

A couple of days later it is results day, something I am not looking forward too. I feel like all my exams were a mess, even the ones before Erin went into hospital weren't that good. I can almost see the life I want drifting further and further away.

The day after a lot of Cory's family are travelling into the city for a christening (luckily they are all staying in hotels). Those who aren't coming up on the Friday are coming on Saturday and then on Sunday is the christening itself. Between now and then though, there is still a lot to be organised, including more decorations because Cory's parents have offered to pay for a venue for the party afterwards. They decided that my house was too small to fit everyone in and was not also fit for the occasion. I don't care as long as they're paying though.

"Are we taking Erin with us?" Cory asks once I have finished feeding Erin her yogurt.

"No, I think she is old enough to stay at home by herself now. Of course we're taking her with us you idiot," I tell him, wondering what is going through his head.

"I didn't know if you wanted to drop her off at Mary-Anne's or something," he tries and saves himself from his stupid comment.

"Nope she is coming with us. Help me get her ready otherwise we are going to be late," I tell him as I lift Erin out of high chair.

Within the next half an hour, all three of us are ready to leave. Erin is strapped into her pushchair, fussing with the sun hat on her head. She keeps taking it off and throwing it on the ground and stupidly we keep putting it back on her. It's almost a relief to reach the doctors so that I can take the hat off of her head without worrying that she is going to get sunburnt.

Even now, in the middle of summer, the doctors waiting room is still full of people spluttering and coughing. It makes it feel like the middle of January still. Other than the fact there are different faces waiting for their turn, the waiting room has remained exactly the same. All the same posters are up and even the chairs haven't been re-organised.

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