November (Part One)

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"Franco's? You're working at Franco's?" I question, not quite letting the words sink in.

"I didn't think it was that big of deal. You know I have been looking for a job and now I have one." Cory says to me, raising his voice slightly so he can be heard over the screams of the child in my arms.

"Shh, shh darling. They will hopefully stop soon," I bounce Erin against my hip, staring out of the window while watching the fireworks. Flashes of different colours light up the sky which ordinarily would have been beautiful but today they are the bane of my existence. The two of us had managed to settle Erin down for the bed but the fireworks had woken her straight up again.

Stupid Guy Forks night.

"I just didn't think you would get one this soon. I thought that- that – ahh I don't know what I thought. All this noise makes it hard to think." I scream above the noise. "Will you take her for a minute?" I hold Erin in my arms, facing her in the direction of Cory who takes her straight into his own arms.

He positions her so that her head is against his chest as he cradles her in his arms. After a few minutes the screams begin to subdue but tears still roll down her face. Her little fists are still clenched together as if she doesn't want to stop, even if she is too tired to carry on.

I know that feeling.

"I think I know what you thought," Cory perks his head up and says.

"Enlighten me," I perch down next to him on the sofa, stroking the fair hairs on Erin's head.

"You thought there would be more time on weekends or whenever I end up working, that there would be the two of us together. That for those times, you wouldn't have to be completely alone with the baby, at least not yet," Cory suggests to me, his voice lower now that Erin has calmed down.

The skin around my finger suddenly seems more interesting than the current conversation so I begin to pull it, picking away all the dead flakes. Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I can hear Cory calling my name but I don't acknowledge it. I just keep picking away until there is nothing left. Sounds seem to disappear into the background, fading into nothing until I feel brush against my arm.

"WHAT?" I snap without even thinking. I was far too engrossed in my own little world that I didn't want to be disturbed.

"Are you okay Kris?" Cory asks, his eyebrows furrowing as he does so.

"I'm fine," I lie. "I must just be tired, that's all. I think you're right though. A part of me doesn't feel ready to be left alone with Erin for long periods of time." I agree with him, thinking back to the conversation we had, just minutes before.

Cory stands up, moving away from the sofa so he can lay the baby down in her Moses basket. I never noticed that she had stopped crying, something that he obviously had. Her eyes are peacefully shut while her little chest moves up and down. It's as if the crying fiasco never happened.

The fireworks are still lighting up the sky in the distance, showing no signs of stopping. Cory lifts himself back up from the floor, making his way towards me. Sitting himself down next to me, he takes my hand and pulls me closer to his body.

"You won't be alone, at least not for that long. I'm not entirely sure what hours I will be working yet but more than likely, the most you will be alone is a few hours on a Saturday. If I have to work Sundays then your mum will be at home and the same applies for if I have to work some week day nights. Even when you are alone, I'm sure you will cope netter than what you think you will. You are her mother after all," he tries to comfort me, stroking my hair as he does so.

Handprints ( #2 BOOK IN SERIES )Where stories live. Discover now