May (Part One)

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School follows the next day and all anyone seems to be talking about is the fashion show. By the sounds of it, a lot of people can't believe it actually turned out well considering it was all organised by students. I have even heard people who weren't there say they wish they had.

Laura can't stop smiling everywhere she goes because of this. Every classroom she enters she does so with a smile on her face while still excitedly talking about the show and the party afterwards.

Apparently even more people turned up to it after Cory and I left making the house so packed that you couldn't move. According to Maddie people didn't care though because they were too drunk to. All in all, everything went smoothly for Laura in the end, even if she does have a lot of clearing up to do now.

"Yes, yes, yesterday was a great show but can I remind you all that your performing arts exam is in two weeks. You haven't got time to chitter chatter so will everybody get back to work?" Reynolds shouts over the noise towards the end of class.

I look around the performing arts studio, which already looks completely different to what it did yesterday, and see that most people are either sat on the floor talking or simply stood in their groups- also talking.

"I am never going to learn this monologue in time," I hear Maddie complain from the floor.

"Try finding an audio of it and listen to it on repeat like you would with a song," I suggest to her, sitting down on the floor with her.

For the next few minutes the two of us go over our lines, letting each other stumble over them as we mess up to see how the other corrects herself. Laura joins us after a few minutes but seems less focused than us on the task.

"What's wrong Laura? Are you still reeling in your victory from yesterday?" I ask her when she doesn't even start reciting her monologue like we asked her to.

"What? Oh no it's not that. I just get a funny feeling from that guy," Laura tells us while her gaze points directly ahead.

I follow the direction of her gaze with my own eyes, only for it to land on Jack.

"Why?" I ask her as I stare back at him.

"I don't know. He was at the party last night, which is fair enough because he was in the show and he was a fantastic model. Anyway back to the point. He was at the party and he didn't seem to be interacting with people, or at least not in a normal way. He just stayed in the kitchen and sulked. It's strange isn't it?"

"Maybe he's just shy?" Maddie suggests but Laura shakes her head.

"If he was shy then why would he take part in the show to begin with?" Laura makes a good point but I can't help but go back to the time in my head where I told him as a joke that he should model.

"What are you talking about?" Adam asks as he suddenly appears and sits down next to Laura.

"That weirdo," Laura slyly points towards Jack while Cory sits down in our little circle.

"Oh yeah he is strange. I heard he was selling drugs last night at the party," Adam says very nochantly causing us all to spin our heads towards him.

"What?" Laura shouts which gets the attention of Reynolds.

"Is everything okay over here?" he asks us, not looking very convinced.

"Yeah fine. I was shouting for a dramatic affect. I was louder than what I intended to be," Laura tells Reynolds which makes him happy as he then walks off. "What do you mean he was selling drugs in my house?" Laura now lowers her tone but the anger in it is certainly not missed.

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