I don't see dead people . . . Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Mickey's POV

"Can you please find something to cover yourself with?" I asked, holding my hand in front of my eyes so that I could only see Hunter's face.

"Like what?"

"I dunno. A leaf or something?"

"Good luck finding one big enough," he said with a cocky smirk. I rolled my eyes. "My shorts are at the lake. Come on; we'll talk on the way there."

We started walking side by side and I asked, "So what are you?"

"A Shifter. And you?"

"Virgo. So how do you, uh, shift?"

He shrugged. "I don't really know how. It just comes naturally. Explain what happened back there."

"Back where?" I asked, still trying to avoid answering. He just gave me a look. "Okay, okay. I have visions," I said hesitantly.

"Abboouut?" he asked, dragging the word out.

I shook my head. "Nope, my turn to ask a question. Can you change into any animal?"

"Only a few. It's not like I can just picture an animal and 'poof' I turn into it. It takes practice. What kind of visions do you have?"

I paused and thought about leaving without answering. Really, what was I supposed to say? 'I have visions of people before they die'? Yeah, that's not freaky at all. Not the sarcasm. Oh well, if someone was going to call me a freak, I'd rather it be someone I just met rather than someone I've known for years.

"If someone's about to die, I get a vision of them." I knew he wouldn't answer any of my questions until I fully explained that, so I didn't even try.

"What? So you see people die," he asked incredulously.

"Not exactly. I see the cause of death." I didn't wanna explain what happened after I saved them just yet.

"What if someone's dying from cancer or something?"

"It's only things I can prevent. Like with you and Maria." Something occurred to me then. "Wait, were you going to kill her?" I asked, shocked that he would do something like that.

"Of course not. There was a rouge shifter behind her that was about to do the job."

"Rouge shifter?"

"They stay in animal form and eventually can't tell the difference between humans and animals."

"That's horrible."

He just shrugged.

We were at the lake now, and I turned around while Hunter put his shorts on. Once he was done, I took my shoes off and we sat facing each other on a wide boulder, our feet submerged in the water.

"So when do you get the visions?" he asked.

"In my sleep or if I check."

"Check how?"

I showed him what I meant, and his eyes widened. "Do my eyes really turn white?" I asked once I stopped.

"Yeah. Can you see when they're like that?"

"Yup. I didn't even know they did that."

He looked thoughtful for a minute and then he asked, "What happens in the visions?"

"I'm looking through the person's eyes and hearing their thoughts-"

"Your heard my thoughts?" he asked, a blush crawling up his neck.

I don't see dead people, I see people die. That just sucks...Where stories live. Discover now