Chapter Eight: The pass of Caradhras

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I know you have been waiting for ever for a update so here it is. An short explanation is in the authors note at the bottom, so please read it.

Chapter Eight: The pass of Caradhras

"Hide!" Aragorn exclaimed urgently giving the Hobbits a gentle but firm  push in the direction of the rocks that had a big enough spaces between that should be big enough to fit one or two of us per rock.             

"Merry..Pippin...Sam...take cover!" Boromir yelled out, scrambling much like everyone else to find a secure spot to hide. I found a rock that was near me and began to quickly grab not only my packs but whoever was near me and helping to put out the fire to hide the evidence of our stay completely, out of sight. I dove underneath the rock ignoring the slight sting as I scrape my arm on the rocky ground underneath me.

Just as I was safe and secure under the rock a regiment of large crows flew low over all of our heads with great speed, wheeling and circling above us. I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat echoing throughout my head and I hope that the birds couldn't hear it and give up our location. We were all stupid to think that no one would have been watching over our every move in order to intercept the ring that should have been a secret. Unless someone on the inside was turned, I think to myself.

Some magic is at work here but it's not being used for good and I can feel the nervousness coming off of Gandalf, making me hope that this won't end as badly as it seems like it will. Right now Gandalf is our leader and we are looking up to him to decide certain things since Frodo isn't so sure of things himself. As the large dark shadow passes over us, a single harsh croak was heard and then the crows suddenly wheel away, back towards the south. Gandalf staggers to his feet first obviously concerned. I was suddenly getting the feeling that I shouldn't be as quiet as I have been, just being a shadow following behind everyone, and I should be in with the conversations and so that I could help with the decision making.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage South is being watched." Gandalf announces worriedly, his voice chilling everyone who understood the underlining threat in his voice. I could hear it, but I don't even think you would have to, to know that there is something wrong.

Gandalf's pale looking face turns and looks at Aragorn for some sort of encouragement that you can only get from a friend, before he turns to us who were all standing ready to hear what our new path was. I knew that we wouldn't be able to go the quickest route anymore and we will have to tread with more caution, taking a longer route if need be. Gandalf lifted his hand gesturing towards a high mountain pass making my heart drop to my stomach.

"We must take the pass of Caradhras!"

Being wrapped up in a cloak was too hot. Even though we were trudging through knee deep snow I couldn't find it anywhere within me to be cold. I glanced at a shivering Frodo and unclasped the pin keeping my cloak around my neck and wrapped it securely around Frodo clipping it onto him as he gave me a thankful smile for the extra warmth.

The other hobbits had more winter clothes than Frodo keeping them a little warmer and Frodo wouldn't take their cloaks when they were offered and let them keep them to stay warn. As selfless as Frodo is, he has to know that he needs to do things for himself as well.

I allowed myself to stay off to the side of the group and fall back almost right beside Aragorn who was at the end of the line. I glanced back up just as Frodo suddenly lurched forward and fell rolling down the hill with a cry. Jumping forward quickly, I bend down to stop him from rolling any further down the hill in risks of him being hurt. As he scrambles to his feet I help him brush of the small clumps of snow that seemed to stick to his shoulders and back.

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