Chapter six: Confessions and the Council for the One Ring

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I would like to say thanks to @MelyEly for making the awesome story cover.

Chapter six: Confessions and the Council for the One Ring

I should be upset even remorseful about the fact that i have been hiding from the Halflings, more or less avoiding confrontations with them. It's not that i am afraid of them but i'm afraid of the questions that my gifts and heritage brings along with it.

I don't think that i am capable to answer questions freely about my Kin being lost in a battle that happened over a thousand years ago, or the simple yet complicated fact that i was being hidden away from this world, this life, just to keep me safe. The simple thought that i could have helped do something, anything haunted every step i took.

I want to be able to say that i am fine, and that i am taking the transition from Earth to Middle-Earth well, but that would be a huge lie that i am not willing to be caught telling. This world is so different from the one that i grew up thinking i was originally from. Earth was much more advanced in the way of technology but here in Middle-Earth they are advanced in their own way that i am sure Earth would have never been able to reach.

Magic exists here. The simple term that we used loosely on Earth, Science , the laws of physics everything down to a simple molecule is what we have been taught about the world.

Dragons, Wizards, Elves, and Dwarves. These should be only characters from stories that are found in the fiction isle in the library. Yet here i am, stuck in the middle of a fantasy book being a magical person myself.

My mind is trying to wrap around the fact that this is real and that this is the new normal. This is what my life is going to be like for the rest of my life, using swords and rising horses like in the simpler times and it makes Earth seem alien.

My memories keep colliding with each other trying to claim their rightful spot in my head. The spot where i was here since i seven and then taken to Earth where i had lived the rest of my years till now.

The thing that frightens me the most is that i don't know who i am, or even was.

My life has either taken a turn for the worse or it has just began to brighten, I have not yet made up my mind which one was more true. I am confused and tired, mentally exhausted from having to get used to being here and pick what memories i want to keep from Earth and what ones i can forget and move on.

What happens to the people i had come to know. Would they remember me or would they loose all knowledge of ever knowing me that piece of their brain putting different images in their heads. These thoughts burn through my head making a headache pound in my head wanting to tell someone all this but still i keep it side, knowing that telling anyone else other than the two people who were actually with me through this whole experience, wouldn't get me anywhere near the peace i sorely desired.

A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie.

"Lady Delilmalia, The Council meeting is about to begin and Lord Elrond would be honored if you would attend it." Arwin's soft voice floated through the door making me snap my head around in her direction to see her standing in the doorway trying not to intrude if i was doing anything.

I nodded and stood to my feet. "Thanks, and yes i will be joining the council. Will you lead the way?" I asked not sure where the meeting is being held.

"I would be honored Lady Delilmalia." Arwin replied and this time i heard the lady she added on the beginning of her reply.

"Please no need for formalities since we are friends are we not?" I ask, some hope leaking into my words most likely persuading her to answer as to not hurt my feelings.

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