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Sorry i didn't update for a while but scholl literaly attacked me with homeworks and exams so:(i didn't have time. pplease comment so i'll know wat you think about this because there are definetly a lot of surprise in it.


Previously in TLOHKS: Hayley and her friends all went to a cool night club were they had lots of fun, but in Hayley's case to much fun. After some hot dancing with Carter she's found drunk at the bar feeling sorry for herself when Mason comes in and drags her out of the club were Carter meets them in she starts talking nonsense.


The hooded man came striding towards me, his steps long and slow like he knew he had me and that I couldn’t run away anymore.  I was trapped and scared shitless.  He was here, he came for me.  Though I didn’t know why, I was sure this was no friendly visit.

 I couldn’t see his face since we were in a dark room with only the moonlight reflecting through the windows.  I didn’t recognize this place.  It looked eerie and frightening.  The room we were in was huge, kind of like the old medieval stuff.  It looked like a princess’ room.  Even the bed posts were huge, and I bet the bed could hold four people.  In the corner of the room you could see more furniture, like a big couch with gold borders and other chairs in the same style.  I don’t know how I could see all this with only the dim moonlight lighting the room, but it seemed like I had clear vision, like I could see every single thing in here.  The weirdest thing was that even though I swear I’ve never been here, I couldn’t help but feel a connection to it, like I use to live here, like I belong here.

            As I backed up against the wall, the hooded man came closer.  Every single step he took made me back away in fright.  My heart was beating faster than normal, my hands were sweating and my eyes were wide as a baseball.  Suddenly, he stopped next to the window, but he was careful not to let the light shining through light him up.  I stopped, confused.  There was a long moment of silence when he suddenly smirked evilly and lunged towards me.  This was the end.

            No, I mean, the end of my dream.  I woke up with a start and held my hand against my chest.  My heart was beating fast, I had a huge hangover, and I still felt scared, but even though the dream ended, I felt... disappointed?

            Disappointed that I didn’t get to see his face, the hooded man’s face.  Even though I was scared shitless of him, I couldn’t help but want to know who he was.  I wanted to see his face because I know him.  I mean, the me in my dream knows him, and she knows why he had come.  I didn’t know why; why I wanted to see him, or the reason why I was scared.  Actually, I don’t know what I just dreamed about, it was completely odd.

            I decided to shake it off and roll on my side, but there was something heavy on my waist, preventing me from doing so.  I tried to lift it, but the thing was so damn heavy that I gave up.  The sunlight hitting my face was slowly making me feel uncomfortable.  Remember I told you that I like the cold and rain more than sunlight and heat?  Weird, I know.  I’ve been told that many times.  As my vision became clearer, I could now see my surroundings.  First of all, I was in a room I didn’t recognize.  It was painted dark blue, kind of black.  There were posters of various football players, and through the window I could see the sun already up in the sky.  Wait, rewind, did I just say posters of football players?  I turned my head just enough to see that the thing that was laying on me was an arm, specifically Mason’s.

            How did I get in his room, on his bed, with his arm wrapped around me?  God, please tell me I’m not naked under these covers.  I tried to turn and sit up when I heard a deep, low growl.  The hand tightened around me and I felt trapped.  I tried to stir, but he only tightens his hold, my body was now squished against his and I couldn’t breathe properly.

The "life" of Hayley Kristen ScottWhere stories live. Discover now