9- You're cocky but still a great guy.

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Previously in TLOHKS: Mason exchange Hayley's panties for a date.



It was finally Friday.  I couldn’t believe I learned all this information about werewolves.  By Monday, it felt like a whole week had past.  Well, a whole week kind of had passed.

            And everything between Carter and I was great.

            *Flashback to Wednesday*

            As I was heading to my assigned locker, I saw Carter leaning nest to it.  Oh great!  I hadn’t talked to him since Monday.  Well, the real reason I hadn’t talked to him was because I was trying to ignore him.  It’s not that I had a problem with him but I really hated uncomfortable situations, so I stay away from them.

            “Hey Hayley, I hope you’re not still mad at me.”  He asked uncomfortably.

            “Hey, don’t sweat it.”

            “Phew!  Great!”  He wiped fake sweat from his forehead.  “I really hate being in trouble.”

            “Ah... so do I.”

            “Anyway, we’re cool now, right?”

            “Yeah, we’re cool.”

            “Can I walk you to class?”

            “Of course.”

            It was kind of weird at first; acting like nothing had happened between us when that kiss had certainly meant something.  But it got better.  I learned more about the mysterious Carter Watson, a lot more than I’d asked for.  He was very open-minded and talked quite a lot when he got into it.  Carter was also captain of the basketball team, while Mason was the captain of the football team.  I guess being a werewolf is really useful, especially in sports.

            *End of Flashback*

            Carter and I were heading to the cafeteria.  I had spent the whole day with Carter and I have to admit, it was quite fun.  Carter was the kind of person that always likes to have fun and make jokes.  He was a really cool person to hang out with and totally got to me.  I had talked to some of my friends too, but I haven’t seen Mason for a whole day.  I had wondered where he was but my question was answered very quickly when I saw him talking to a bunch of guys from his pack. 

            Filling up the table right next to them was my new group of friends.  My new friends consisted of Melinda, the crazy one, Katy, the quiet one, Tyler, the girly one, Michael, the straight forward one, Sam, the flirt, Kent, the serious one, Mason, the, uh, surprising one, David, the normal one, and last but not least, Carter, the outgoing one.  I had gotten to know them one by one.  It was great to know that I had such a large group of friends now.  I had met some other werewolves from Mason and Carter’s pack too.  They were pretty cool, but I still preferred my group of friends.

            Mason and Carter weren’t friends, but they could at least talk to each other, for five minutes.  Melinda had told me that their “situation” had gotten worse after I moved in.  I felt really bad after that, but she told me not to worry about it or blame myself.  Not like that had changed anything because every time they got into a fight, no matter what it was, I always felt like I was the reason it started.  That’s why my friends and I tend to keep them apart.

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