1-New schooll Oh la la!!!

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So this is the first real chapter the other one was kind of just an introduction to the story.i hope you like it.



And that’s how it all begun, my first day at school, my new life. Mason and I headed off to the huge building that will now be my permanent school or has I like to call it hell. People don’t get me wrong it’s not like I don’t like school it’s just that seeing people gossip  every day, being bitches or jerks, and trust me I saw a lot of that! But it’s just not me. I prefer staying true to myself, you know, but it doesn’t mean I have anger issues or that I’m a loner. I have tons of friends that love me for who I am. (That’s the good side of traveling a lot.)

“Um, hey hayles you’re coming?” said Mason already ahead of me.

“Oh yeah yeah!”Damn it always happens. I always daydream and sometimes forget where I am .I swear people are going to think I’m weird. We started walking to school and I notice a lot of people casting me side glances some of jealousy and envy, of course from the girls thought some guys directed them at Mason but mostly they were  checking me out, which is something I got used too since I learn that guys were always checking out new girls. Then Mason put his arm over my shoulder igniting more envious look from. Mason and I got pretty close during those two weeks; he became a really good friend always there for me.

Okay! So… I have feelings for Mason I don’t know how to explain it really. It’s like something that is bringing us together; every time we touch, look or even smile at each other. But Mason’s really important to me and I don’t want to destroy what we built.

 I know stupid right!? You have a guy that looks freaking like a god next to you and you’re afraid to make a move! But unfortunately I’m in a situation that I can’t explain.

Now let’s get back to my entrance in school (see what I mean when I say I daydream, a lot 8-/)

“Hey Mase, ummmmmm new girl you got there!”Said some random guy that looked quite familiar. He was buff with blue eyes and blond hair the typical player you know jock kind of style. He came right up to me and slides his arm around my waist. Wait… what?! Who does he thinks he is I could twist his arm in a heartbeat; and trust me I would’ve but Mason was faster. He totally punched the guy in the guts before I could react, the jock double over by the force of Mase’s punch, wow I got to admit I was impressed by how Mason did that so fast. I mean I wanted the familiar dude’s arm off my waist but punch him in the guts, if you ask me , I thought it was a little too much.

“Back off Sam, she’s not interested!!”Said Mason with a calm and teasing tone but you could still see the anger in his eyes. Sam then straightens up and smiles like nothing had happen and that he weren’t punched in the guts just five seconds ago. Oh! Now I remember! Sam’s Mason’s step-brother I think I saw him one time but we didn’t actually had a proper introduction.

“OOOOOh Maso’s getting protective is she your-”then Sam was cut off by another punch in the guts and landing on the floor, and all of this was happening in public in front of the whole school, shit I had a feeling that it wasn’t only going to be jealous glares I was going to get, with all those death glares that were now directed at me. But what really bothered me wasn’t only the fact that Mason was kind of organizing my death, in a way. But that he got so mad at Sam, I mean I can defend myself I don’t want people to think that I’m weak and need a savior to protect me.

“Mason I think that’s enough now he doesn’t deserve all this.”I said to Mason pulling on his arm. When his gaze landed on me they softened and I felt him relax. I then reached for Sam and offered him my hand that he gladly took, a smug smile on his lips.

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