12-The date

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Important author's note below.Dedicated to Mrs-Peeta thanks for all your support


Previously in TLOHKS:Hayley accused Mason of taking her v-card when she wakes up on his bed with his shirt on.Then while running away from the house, she meets a mysterious guy that saves her life.






            “Don’t argue with me Melinda Jones!”

            “No!  You don’t argue with me!”

            “There’s no way I’m going to wear this.  He said to wear something casual.”

            “Oh, he did?”

            “Yeah!  That’s what I’ve been trying to say for a good,” I looked at my watch, “thirty minutes.  Oh god, you’re worse than my mother.  And she’s always bothering me.”

            “Oh, jeez, I get it. Don’t be such a drama queen.”

            “Well, you’re forcing me to be.”

            “Okay, whateverz!  Get your own clothes.”  She slumped on my bed where Kathy was set on watching TV.

            Fine then, she can be angry, I don’t care.  I started choosing my clothes, trying to go simple with blue skinny jeans and a tight white blouse and, of course, some converse.  I was all set.  When I was done and came out of the bathroom, the girls stopped watching the TV to stare at me.

            “What, do I have something on my face or is this outfit horrible?”  I ask, confused.

            “No, not at all.  In fact, you look great, girl.”  Melinda squeals.

            “Yeah.”  Kathy agreed.

            “Really?”  I asked, a small grin making its way up my face.

            Yeah, duh!  I just said you look great, didn’t I?  Plus, this blouse makes miracle boobs, or is it the bra?  I guarantee you Mason won’t be able to keep his hands off you.”

            “Uh huh, thanks for that mental picture.”

            “You know you like it.  Now, chap chap, you need to get out of here, Mason’s been waiting.”

            “What, he’s here?”

            “Yeah, when you went into the bathroom to get prepared he was already here.”

            “Omg, why haven’t you told me?”  I started to pull my hair into a bun when I felt two pairs of hands stopping mine.

            “Trust me, you look just fine.”  Kathy said.

            “Okay, okay.  Um... I’m going.”


            “I’m going.”

            “Then go.”  Kathy said.  Melinda was laughing her ass off over my facial expression.  I’m sure it was quite a sight since I knew how nervous I felt inside.  I didn’t know why I felt so nervous.  I mean, it’s Mason.  He’s like my best friend.  So why am I nervous, huh?  This is ridiculous, I told myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2012 ⏰

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