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 My eyes widened when the doors opened and the view stopped my heart for a couple beats. The church was in full decoration. It was white with light flooding the large area that was being occupied by people who I knew and people who Shawn knew. This was the most cliche wedding for gay men that has ever been done. There were doves, the ailes were lined with white ribbons that flowed like cloth.

This truly was a gay wedding, if there had ever been one.

Even as the sight before me was stunning, the only thing that caught my eye was the brilliant and drop-dead gorgeous man that was standing at the altar of the cliche church. We weren't even religious people. It was just nice to be able to do this traditional style wedding.

The wedding march began, and I started to power walk down the aisle, eager to get to my fiance, but his eyes were telling me that I needed to slow the F down immediately, regardless of the band's natural increase in tempo due to my excitement. As my legs slowed their approach, the music followed, slowing down to match the pace I was now setting. The smile on my face hurt, but it was a good feeling. The butterflies in my stomach let me know that this was a good thing and that I was ready for this next step into the rest of what my life with Shawn was going to be like.

I could already imagine it, me and him, two point five children (although I still don't understand how you can get just half a child), a family pet, and both of our families combined through this currently illegal in California wedding.

The bouquet of flowers that were in my hands were nice and cool. Having just come from the refrigerator, they helped with my hot sweaty palms. It was normal to be nervous about this moment in my life right? I hoped that it was. My mother was not very helpful through all of this. She wanted me to figure all of this out on my own. Why did she have to be such a pain in the ass?

Finally after what felt like three hours of slow and steady marching, I was standing in front of my fiance, soon to be my husband, and his smile was just as large as mine. His perfect teeth gleamed with a light that I swore illuminated and glowed naturally like a halo on an angel. It was stunning, just like the rest of him.

His suit looked to perfect on him, fitted to his body, and it showed. He looked amazing, the deep blue color brought out his gorgeous eyes and made his lean but powerful figure all the more masculine. My white suit made me look all the more feminine, just how I knew he wanted me to be. Last year, I would have fought against wearing something so off putting, but for this man who loved me so deeply, I would do anything for .

"We are gathered here today," the judge spoke. His voice drifted off to me as I stared into Shawn's eyes, the passion of sex burning in his eyes. I could see that he was already thinking about our honeymoon. His eyes stared intently into mine, conveying his desire to strip me of this outfit and take me here on this altar not caring if all these people were watching, but he kept his control and his cool...because we did it here last night before we parted ways to different rooms in the nearby hotel.

Finally the judge got to the good part, skipping all the religious stuff, the vows. "The couple in love has written their own vows."

Shawn started first, "From the first moment I saw your Tinder profile, I knew that I had to have you. I didn't know that at first I would have to hate you, but after we spent time together, me making you do embarrassing things in the office, I got to know you and realized that you had a genuine heart just waiting to be shared with someone worthy. On this day, I make a promise to you that I will try to be worthy of your pure heart every single day of my life, and if I ever step out of line feel free to hit me to remind me of what I have."

He slipped my wedding ring onto my finger, and it was perfect. Now my hand was complete.

"Shawn Wiley, I love you. I first had to tolerate you, but now I cannot think of being with anyone else other than you. I had a long way to go and lots of things to learn, but now we're here, joining our lives together. Right here, right now, I promise to you to be as wonderful a person as I can possibly be."

The judge continued on, "Do you Shawn Wiley-".

"I do," Shawn said abruptly.

"And do-".

"I do, too," I said quickly. "You may now kiss each other," said the exasperated judge, and we did. This was the beginning of something perfect. 

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