Chapter Six (Shawn)

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Chapter Six (Shawn)

"Have a seat, Mr. Johnson." I said, gesturing to the brown leather chair in front of the large desk. He looked nervous, like he wanted to turn back and never speak of this ever again. He sat anyways. The lady from HR left and the door shut silently behind her.

He was staring at me, not saying anything. It was kind of nice to be in a position of power, rendering him unable to speak. This moment did not last. I had to start the interview.

"I'm sorry," and "Let's get started," escaped our mouths at the same time. My eyebrows lifted at his apology. Let's explore this.

"Why are you apologizing for?" He was practically shaking in his seat.

"For what happened on our date." Everything was written on his face, and I knew he was partially sincere and also partially unapologetic. I took deep breaths, wanting to take this situation very carefully for the sake of HR and if only to make sure that my company doesn't end up having bad press.

"I've already forgiven you for that, so you don't have to worry about that." He relaxed visibly in his chair, beginning to slightly slouch in the chair. I couldn't let him relax too much. "Tell me about your experience at your previous workplace."

"It was a great place to work. The guy, I mean man, who I worked for was a decent person and kept his needs simple." He was smiling, a little more confident about how this was going. "I enjoyed my time there."

"Where was this, again? And what was your boss's name?" I asked. This was where things got interesting. 

"Um...Marks Corporation and my boss was Mason Wexler." He'd been rehearsed. Interesting.

"Alright. Please explain why when I called to check your references that he had absolutely no idea who you were." His eyes widened. He was now back to shaking in his chair and I couldn't enjoy this any more than I already was. I was taking every pleasure I could from his being interrogated by me. I needed to make sure that he could handle any stressful situations after all. Being my assistant is no small feat. There are many powerful people he would be in contact with, and he will need the guts to stand up to them and get my needs met.

"I-I can explain." His voice was quivering, nothing at all like the cocky guy on Tinder. This was fun.

"Please do. And this time leave out the lies."

"I...I lied on my resume. I don't have any experience working at a workplace. I have no experience, but I need this job. I will work hard, harder than I ever have in my life. I can learn quick what I need to do."

"That all sounds nice, but now I only see that you're a liar and is also unable to stay calm in a stressful situation."

He hung his head. Are you giving up already? Maybe it's good that we didn't go all the way in that restaurant.

"Please." His voice was low, I almost missed it.

"Please, what?"

His eyes connected with mine once again, and this time there was fierce look in them. "Please, let me have this job. I'll do anything you want or need me to do. I'll be available for you 24/7. I need a job."

"Hmm." He really seemed desperate.

I turned my chair, and looked out of the large open window overlooking the city. I looked at the horizon, seeing its beauty. The glow of the sun and its effect on all the shiny silver buildings that surrounded mine.

His words repeated in my head. I'll do anything you want or need me to do. I had an idea.

I turned back around, seeing his panicked expression made me all the more sure of my idea.

"How badly do you need this job?"

"Very much."

I smirked. "You will do anything I ask?"

He nodded. "Anything."

"Suck me. Right now."


Author's Note: 

Congradulations! You are one more step closer to the best part of the story!

Please remember to vote and comment! ALL feedback is helpful. 


Stephen Than

Instagram: the_purple_queen_writes

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