Chapter Sixteen (Shawn)

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Chapter Sixteen (Shawn)

The days went on for too long, each day I came up with something new to torture him with. I couldn't help it. He was too delectable, and with every task I gained a true respect for him being able to put up with everything I threw at him.

Some of the things I'd done probably bordered on sexually harassment, but so what. He was..."willing"... to do it. For example, one day I had him wearing nothing but a simple pair of speedos. With an adorable lacy pink bow dead center. He was so tempting, I pulled him into my private bathroom with a vigor I didn't realized I had halfway through the day.

Little to say except that it was fun.

Today, sitting in my car with the driver focused on the road, I could feel something in the air. Something was different about today in comparison to the rest of my time. I knew, this day was going to be a testing moment, and I had to pass with an A+.


I arrived at the building's parking garage, the grey color as depressing as ever. I had to remember to have it painted, but I had other pressing things to worry about.

My legs carried me, past all of the shiny cars of the company's executives and all of the other cars of the regular employees. It was funny, although they all varied in pay range, teach person's vehicle could tell me so much about who they were as a person as well as how dedicated they were to their lifestyle. Being in California, it mustn't be easy to get and maintain a styling car and still be able to live affordably.

Reaching the elevator, I rode it to the third from top floor of the building, the floor with all of the meeting rooms. My destination was in sight, and I knew what was being planned and what would happen for the next hour of my life. As per usual, this company would come under fire, and it was up to me to douse the flames because goodness knows that none else in the company would lift a finger to maintain this empire other than me.

The door was opened for me, allowing me to glide into the room. I looked each "high-level" executive as I passed them to the seat at the head of the table. My seat was a smooth fit for me, perfectly designed for me to sit back and know what I would be doing to shoot down the plan these despicable people had been hatching without others watching them, or so they thought.

"Aahhh, so comfortable. So, what have you planned for this meeting? I'm curious as to why I was summoned this day." I made sure to give each conniving snake direct eye contact to make sure they could not hide behind their own mind as to what they wished to accomplish.

Marcus cleared his throat and began to speak, "Well, Shawn." I cut him off.

"Mr. Wiley, to you." I didn't want any familiarity between us as this transpires.

He nodded. "Mr. Wiley. We have called this meeting of the board to discuss the future of this company." The only sound that could be heard was the company secretary for the board typing away this conversation, taking minutes. Good. I want this to be noted.

"And what, pray tell, would that include?" I wanted to act coy, my shoulders bunched up in reaction.

"We, the board of this corporation, are...concerned about how things are being run, the procedures and measures that are being done." I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of letting anything go past my guard.

"Care to be more specific?" I could see the gears turning in Marcus's head. I wanted nothing more than to reach into his mind and turn it to mush. As someone on the board of my company, he has done nothing but try to undermine me. I knew his end goal, to be the President of Wiley Corp, and I knew he was desperate enough to pull of the stops to make it happen.

"We are here to vote on opening all of your files and looking into all of the measures you've agreed to." I acted surprised, nervous even. My mouth dropped open, my forehead scrunched up and I schooled my body language. I knew this was coming, and knew who was at the helm of this sinking ship.

"Alright then, let's call it. Those who agree with this idea of opening an investigation into my malpractice, raise your hands, and just like in elementary school please keep them raised high." They needed six for this to pass, and usual suspects raised their hands, Marcus, Rachel, Samuel, Ronald, and Christopher, or as I like to call them, The Rotten Squad. They were a pain in the ass when my father was running this company before me, and they were a worse sore now with them thinking I was a weak and easily conned whimp. They had another thing coming.
I could see the surprise on Marcus's face as not everyone agreed as he originally thought.

"Oh, poor baby. It looks like only half of the board agrees, and you just needed one more. Too bad, so sad." I got up, fixing my attire. I grow tired of this charade and looked Marcus dead in his eyes. "Better luck next time." I walked with a calm pace and gave a smile to those who supported me. I knew who I would reward on this day, and to the others I didn't spare a glance. I knew who would be my targets.

For the next coming months, this would be war, and this would be as public as I could make it. The world would know that all those who cross Shawn Wiley would be dealt with accordingly.

Those cowards had no idea what they had coming for them. They had better watch their backs.


Sitting at my desk, I did nothing but sit and wait for the hours to pass until Jameson showed up. Today I had something else planned instead of a "stunt". Today to celebrate my small victory, I was going to ravish him, and really take him to places he'd never been before and offer him an official my heart. 

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