Chapter Twenty (Jameson)

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Chapter Twenty (Jameson)

Pacing around my apartment was tedious. I was anxious, cleaning things (which I never do), putting things away, hiding things I normally wouldn't care was out, and making sure that there were plenty of drinks for Spencer and Brandon to have for when I tell them what I have to say.

My living room literally had never been so clean, but I still felt uncomfortable with having them over with what I had to tell them. They should be okay with this especially since they were the ones that told me to do the tinder things. On top of that, they did things in the past too. They'll be cool with this right? I guess I'll find out.

When the doorbell rang, I jumped. I wasn't ready for them just yet. I was still talking myself up, but it was now or never. I strayed from the tracks I was making on my floor and went to the door.

My heart was pounding in my ears and my hands shook as I unlocked the door.

How will they take it?

I opened the door to reveal Brandon and Spencer, and they were laughing with Shawn.

"So then, I said, 'Smooze off, you sick fuck!'" Even now, with my entire being frozen with shame, the sound of Shawn's voice had a vicious effect on my body. I felt the heat travel from my heart to the rest of my body.

"H-hi, come in." I heard the quiver in my voice. This could not be good, for anyone tonight. 


Author's Note: 

Sorry it's so short, I just wanted to get something out so that everyone knew that I was still writing. Just had to go on break from it due to, 

I'm back, and I will be posting more frequently. 

Thanks for understanding!

-Stephen Than

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