Chapter Eighteen (Shawn)

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Chapter Eighteen (Shawn)

This tie around my neck was tight. Even having worn ties all my life, this moment, this event was special. This moment was going to be everything, a defining time that will set me on the path for the rest of my life.

My rapped my knuckles on the hard wooden door, the sound echoing in the halls of the apartment complex.

The door opened and Jameson appeared before me. His smile was a welcomed sight for me. My hand itched to reached for him and kiss his luscious lips. I knew he wouldn't resist me, but if I did then the rest of the night would be spent making love when I had a magical night planned.

I took his hand and guided him along the corridor, out the apartment complex, and into the large limo that was ready for us this night.

We slid into the seats, seeing the vast space. I could feel his eyes burning holes on my face as I prepared us some wine.

I placed the wine glasses into the cup holders one side of the limo. I turned and Jameson attacked me. His body was on top of mine and his lips pressed against mine, taking his pleasure however he saw fit. His hands traveled into my hair, slightly scratching the scalp.

His tongue tasted the inside of my mouth. That goodness I brushed my teeth right before I left to pick him up. I indulged him, tasting him in return. He was sinful and everything I could have hoped for when I was looking at his Tinder profile.

The car started moving and the heat in here turned up, despite the running A/C. His free hand started to travel down the body, feeling me up. Every movement he made turned me on to new heights that I hadn't even known were possible.

All the blood in my body seemed to move south of the border, and my pants became impossibly tight. His mouth parted from mine, giving me the moment to breathe, and started traveling down my jaw and sucking on my neck. I knew that tomorrow there was going to be a hickey there for all to see.

Suddenly I felt a thrust against me, and I felt his hardon rubbing against mine. Every movement of his was spurring me on, making me grip his hips in a was that I probably shouldn't be if I wanted the rest of the evening to be as magical as it felt right now here with him.

I felt the car pull into our destination. I couldn't tell if having the location be close to his apartment was a good thing or a bad. Good, because now the rest of the night would be a success. Bad, because I really wanted to be inside him now.

As the driver opened the door, Jameson jumped off of me like he'd been splashed with ice water, leaving me to tend to my own painful erection. He somehow gracefully exited the limo while I had to waddle out like a penguin.

"Please avert your eyes as I exit," I asked the driver. He wasn't my usual, so I didn't know his name.

"Of course, sir," he responded politely.

I slowly stood, giving me time to adjust my penis's position in my pants carefully so it didn't hurt. My eyes met Jameson's and there was a look of mischief there as well as a gleam of desire that shot through my body.

I grabbed his hand, the softness always a pleasure to feel, and led him to the lit up yacht. The boat was decorated entirely in purple lights, Jameson's favorite color. The stairs up to the deck were easy to climb, and he did excellent.

The air around here was good in quality, and was fresh compared to the air in the city. I took a deep breath and led him to the table that was set up for us with the china and silverware set up perfectly.

It kind of felt like I was a child again, pretending to have a tea party with my friends. There was an excited nervousness that was present in my stomach as I anticipated what would be happening tonight.

I pulled out his chair and he sat. I took the adjacent seat across from him and stared into his eyes. They were such a pretty color that I just wanted to snatch them from his head and paint my room that color.

"This is beautiful," he said to me. The look in his eyes was so splendid. I could watch him look around our scenery for hours. He took in every single aspect of the boat, the lights, the colors, the fire pit, and the decor of the dinner. I did good, and it helped my ego that I put everything together.

"Thank you, I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for you. I'm glad you like it." His cheeks stained red as I spoke, and his eyes looked down at the plate in front of us.

I pinched his chin and had him look into my eyes. "You are beautiful," I told him. His eyes widened and his cheeks got even more red, if that were possible. He was practically a tomato right now. Ripe for the picking.

"I can't believe I'm saying this right now, but so are you. I feel lucky that this is even happening with the way I treated you on our first date." He tried to look away, but I kept his chin in my gentle grip and continued eye contact. I could tell that he wasn't used to this.

"Our first date was unfortunate, but it was the catalyst that brought me you, so I will enjoy everything that we had to endure to get here and everything I will have to endure to continue our relationship. I will be there, no matter what. If you're having doubts about your sexuality, I'll be there. When you're having a bad day, I'll be there. When you want to have sex, I'll be there. No matter what, I will be there for you. I am at your disposal."

His lips slammed against mine and my eyes closed as we made out for a brief moment and pulled away. The chair against my arse was a welcomed feeling, keeping me grounded to the task at hand.

Once I could think clearly again, and had little me under my control once again, I opened my eyes to take in the sight of him with the purple glow of the lights surrounding him. He truly was a sight to see, a sight I would like to have for the rest of my life.

I got up and got onto my knee. The hardness of the deck was uncomfortable, but bearable for this moment. Jameson gasped as he saw my movements.

My hand reached under the table and felt around for the soft velvet box that was hidden there. I pulled it free and opened it to him. His hands went to his mouth.

"Jameson, these last couple of months have been crazy and magical all the same, and I know that there will be times when we will have ups and downs, but regardless of all that I know one thing for sure. I want to have you in my life, even if you were after me for a hookup then a job." His eyes got wet, making them seem bigger than they actually were and so much more attractive to me.

I took a much needed gulp of air to help me get the next few words out of my mouth. "Jameson," my voice sounded shaky, "Will you do me the extreme honor of becoming my husband?" His head nodded vigorously.

The smile that slammed onto my face was painful but welcome. I stood and slipped simple silver band onto his ring finger and picked him up.

I knew that this was everything I'd hoped for us, and it was happening. I was getting married to a man who was crazy, willing, arrogant, and self serving, but I knew in my soul that it was all going to be worth it. Whatever I had to do to make sure that this relationship flourished would be worth it to me in the long run.

I looked into his eyes and I saw the future we had together. It was going to be excellent. 

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