Something's Wrong ♥

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♚Kamari Lamar Henderson ♚

A look of fear brushed across the girls face as she looked up at my uncle. His lips curved into a smile, he threw her inti the wall causing here to hit her head. Her blue eyes had a waterfall coming from them. She looked over at me, I turned my head because I couldn't make contact with her. I heard a gun cock, I turned around then heard the gun go off.




The girls brains were all over the wall, it made me cringe and then my uncle guided Reese and I over to the door. Once in the hallway he handed the gun to some nigga who cleaned his finger prints off with a little cloth. I had my hands in front of me. "You see. That's the shit your daddy had to do." He chuckled devilishly. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't. He gestured for us to follow him to this room, when we got in there we seen it was an office.

"So why did you kill her anyways?" Reese questioned. My Uncle Gray, grabbed a cigar from the drawer.

"She was one of my hoes and I found out she was fucking someone for free. She met him last week.. That's a week full of money I didn't make. She shouldn't have joined this game, if she was gone catch feelings." He put the blunt in his mouth and shrugged.

"Why can't she have a boyfriend?" He asked again. Unc bursted out laughing shaking his head.

"She said when she got here, she is heartless. She don't love no niggas. She promised she would charge a man every time they had sex. She promised me.... I hate when promises are broken." His lips curved into that smirk again when he took the blunt out his mouth. He turned his attention to me. "You, Nephew. Where your girl? You do know girls aren't skilled at anything but fucking, right."

"Unc, you can come at any girl you want." I licked over my lips. "But... My girl.. is one you can't talk about. She not like these little hoes you got running around here."

"You taking up for her hm? Your father... He ain't fucked with or cared for no female since your mom, you know that right." I sighed nodding. "I talked to her last week."

"Why the hell are you telling me about this? Talk to her, fuck her, kill her. I don't give a fuck." I spat coldly.

"That is no way to speak of your mother mijo." I heard a really strong Spanish accent from behind me. I closed my eyes and felt all the memories coming back. The tears started welling up in my eyes. I turned around on the heels of my sneakers and quickly left the room pushing past her.


The tears fell down my face as I walked out the house slamming the door. I wiped my face quickly as I sniffled.

"Te amo hijo." My mother said as she stroked the side of my face with her hand. I smiled up at her, showing my missing tooth in the front. "You know that right?" Her strong accent sprang through my ears.

"Si Mami. " She smiled standing to her feet.

"Well, mommy is leaving forever....Mommy can't do this. I never wanted this, you or your father." My eyes started time well up with tears.

"Que? "

"I love you baby but I'm twenty two. I have a life to live, I can't take care of you and live my life."

Last thing my "mother" told me before she packed her things and left before my dad came home.. One of the worst days of my life. I will never forget that shit...

♛Jayla Aaliyah Wattson♛

I was awakened by the door of my room slamming shut. I rubbed my eyes turning to see Kamari with red puffy eyes. I was confused to why he was crying. I stood to my face as he angrily took his shirt off and his sneakers. I grabbed his arms turning him to face me, I wiped his face. "What happened? Who do I have to hurt?" The room was silent for a while.

"I was at my Unc house because my dad told Reese and I to go to his house today. When I was there, he bought up my moms. "

"Okay... I know that ain't what got you in tears."

"I seen her." His voice was low, but I made out what he said.

"You seen her where?"

"She was at my fucking uncle house damn. I'm so annoyed right now fuck everyone. Why the hell did she have to come around? Get the fuck away. Ugh, I hate her, him and fuck ! " He yelled punching the wall. I stepped back frightened. I just sat on the bed and let him be mad.

"My daddy gone ask why you put another dent in my wall." I whispered, a little scared of what he might say. He just eyed me grabbing his shit throwing it back on. He opened the door ready to leave. "Where are you going ?"

He just left leaving me confused... Why did he come if he was going to act like that.

Two Days Later

"Youre suppose to grab the damn flag you fagot." I said loudly pointing my manicured nails at Reese. He smacked my hand away from him.

"You ain't nobooooody. " He said ratchetly. I giggled shaking my head at him. "I could be in your room, you never know."

"Uh, that's perverted. Get the hell out my face before you get.... bopped. " We were all in the cafeteria joking around after watching vines. We're always doing shit like this, Mari walked into the lunchroom and didn't look our way. I looked at Reese and he shrugged. I stood up walking over to him.

"Talk Spanish to me." I whispered in his ear wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Not in the mood..." Kamari mumbled lowly grabbing his lunch. I felt some typa way so I left out the cafeteria. I didn't have to deal with this. I tried talking to him and if he only gone push me away, then fuck it.

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