Chapter 4: The Argument

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During the night, Fuli had another dream about her and Kion. Except, this time it wasn't all hearts and rainbows, it was more of a nightmare.

"Fuli what were you thinking! you should've stayed put! when I give you an order, you do it!" Said Kion angrily.

"I couldn't! I'm sorry I couldn't let them get you! I was scared!" Said Fuli worry began to fill her eyes.

"Well you should've stayed, I had it all under control!" Said Kion still angry with Fuli.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I- I-"

"You WHAT?" The tension was really building up in Kion's voice.

Fuli then awoke from her dream. She had never had such a terrible dream about her and Kion. She glanced over to see Kion still sound asleep. She decided to head out of the cave, to clear her mind.

Fuli sat on the edge of pride rock thinking to herself. Tears began to stream down her face as she gazed at the stars above her, in the night sky. She began to wonder why she was having such weird dreams, but couldn't figure it out. She soon realized, that she liked Kion more than any animal in the pride lands and having a dream so awful, made her heart break. Then she broke down, her fear was that she would really get in a argument with Kion. Because of the incident with the zebras, she had to be aware of anything else that could happen with her dreams.

Kion then awoke and noticed that Fuli wasn't there beside him, so he headed out of the cave and saw Fuli sitting there on pride rock all alone.

He walked up to her and sat down next to her.

"Let me guess the dreams again?" Asked Kion turning to face her.

"Yeah... but this dream was different." Replied Fuli as she looked down on the rock her eyes filled with sorrow.

Kion noticed her crying and the shaking in her voice, he put his muzzle against hers comforting her, trying to calm her down.

"Shh, shh, it's okay I'm here don't worry." Said Kion soothingly.

Fuli immediately began to smile. Everytime she was with Kion, she felt like she was on top of the world, because she knew she was always safe when around him.

"Do you mind telling me about it?" Asked Kion wiping away her tears.

"I'd rather not..." Replied Fuli still shook from her dream.

"That's okay, wow, it sure is a nice night huh?" Asked Kion gazing up at the stars, in the glimmering night sky.

"Yeah, sure is." Replied Fuli looking up with him.

"You know, my dad told me all the great kings of the past are up there

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"You know, my dad told me all the great kings of the past are up there." Said Kion, smiling.

"Really?" Asked Fuli turning to face him.

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