Part 3: Sudden Feelings

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The rest of the afternoon, was hot and mild considering the dry season was taking over the pride lands.Fuli, and the rest of the guard were pretty tired when they arrived back to the lair, so Kion let them rest for awhile. Back in the lair, Fuli was taking a peaceful nap, as she dreamed more about her and Kion. It started as Fuli and Kion were playing tag.

"Ha! bet you can't catch me, slow poke!" Said Fuli, running away from Kion as he followed behind her chasing her down.

"You bet I can!" Said Kion, as he padded behind her trying to keep up with the fast cheetah.

Fuli then rushed in a patch of grass crouching down, hiding herself from him as he tried to sniff her out.

"Hmm..." Said Kion, thinking to himself, aha! gotcha now."

Without saying a word, Kion quickly lounged himself in the patch of grass, pouncing onto the cheetah, pinning her down.

'Ha! gotcha Fuli!" He said looking down at her grinning.

"Ugh, okay, okay , you got me.. now can you get off me now?" Asked Fuli glaring at him.

"Hmm... let me think, no." Said Kion still grinning his heavy weight holding her down, keeping her from escaping.

Fuli then smiled nervously, trying to escape from Kion's trap but eventually she gave in knowing that he was too strong for her.

"Yeah alright, what do you want?" She asked glaring at him once more, noticing that he wouldn't let her go too easily.

"Well, I don't know really, maybe something like... oh! I know...." Said Kion suddenly smirking in a way that Fuli didn't seem to like.

Suddenly, Fuli woke up from her dream panting heavily, her body shaking fearfully. Kion noticed her in shock from the corner of his eye. He quickly moved from his spot, and made his way towards her.

Fuli glanced around to see him walking up to her, she suddenly plastered on a fake grin pretending that nothing had ever happened.

"Hey Fuli, I couldn't help but notice you were shaking a bit, are you okay?" Said Kion, worried sitting down beside her.

"Yes, I'm fine it was just a dream that's all...." Said Fuli reassuring him.

"Oh, really? why are you having all these dreams all of the sudden?" Asked Kion still worrying about his friend.

"I'm not sure, but I think they might mean something... I just can't think of what." She said confused staring at him in his eyes.

"Well, whatever happens don't be afraid because I'm always here for you okay?" Said Kion giving her a smile before pressing his muzzle against her cheek comforting her.

"Thanks Kion, that means a lot." Said Fuli, as her eyes lit up.

"Anytime, hey you know what? I know what will make you feel better follow me." Said Kion, motioning her with his tail for her to follow.

"Well, okay." Said Fuli, slowly following him.

The two friends then arrived at a beautiful grassy slope, with a magnificent waterfall flowing in the distance. Fuli immediately recognized the place. "Hakuna Matata Falls....." She said to herself.

Kion laid down on a rock right next to the waterfall smiling.

"Remember this place? He asked her, gazing in awe at the sight, "this is the place where we first met each other."

"Yeah, I do... it's so amazing." Said Fuli, staring deeply into his eyes. Kion noticed her staring, and he stared back at her still smiling his paws were crossed.

Unexpecting Love A Kion/Fuli FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now