Before Sunset

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Third Person Pov

Stefan is carrying an unconscious Emely in his arms.
Damon is dragging Bonnie by her arm.
They ring the gilbert house doorbell.

Kevin goes downstairs and answers the door.
Damon is holding Bonnie by the arm. She has a bite mark on her neck which is still dripping blood.

And Kevin sees Emely in Stefan's arms.

We have a problem. "Damon said.


Bonnie, Damon, and Stefan are in the kitchen together.
Stefan brings Bonnie a towel for her neck wound.
Emely is on the couch resting.

What do you mean he turned? I thought you were standing guard! "Kevin said annoyed.

Don't blame me. Blame Bonnie the blood bank. She fed him. And she threw Emely into the wall. "Damon said angrily.
I had no idea what was happening. Okay, the witches led me there. They wanted him to feed so he turned. "Bonnie said irritated.

And what are you doing here? "Stefan asked Kevin.
Kevin looked away.
Right. And after everything Emely did for you. "Damon spat.

So, where's the stake now? "Stefan asked changing the topic.

Oh, you mean the white oak one? The one that can kill an Original and wipe out an entire line of vampires? We don't know. "Damon said angrily.

Damon glares at Bonnie as he speaks the last few words.
Quiet down. Emely is resting. "Stefan said.

If you are so upset with me, why did you feed me your blood to save my life? "Bonnie asked Damon.

Because I do stupid things, Bonnie. I do things, like let my friend die with dignity when I should have just killed him. "He answered.

Alright, so how do we kill him now? "Kevin asked.
I've been trying to figure that out. A witch can't truly make an immortal creature, there is always a way to undo a spell. "Bonnie said.

So, what's the witchy work around? "Damon asked.
That's the problem. I don't know. "Bonnie answered.

1 Hour Later

The doorbell rings at the Gilbert house.
Jeremy answers the door. Klaus is outside.

What the hell do you want? "Jeremy spat.
Now is that any way to treat a guest? "Klaus asked smirking.

Stefan and Kevin come up behind Jeremy.

What are you doing here, Klaus? "Stefan asked.
Well, for starters, young Jeremy here could show some manners and invite me inside. "Klaus said.

Damon walks over to the door.
Stefan moves in front of Jeremy.

Why don't you go up to your room? "Kevin told Jeremy.

Damon looks at Jeremy.

Now. "Damon said.
Jeremy sighs and walks up the stairs.

Hm, poor lad. Loses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by the likes of the three of you. "Klaus said.
Yeah, about that. Something happened. "Damon started.

Oh, I know all about my mother's invulnerable little creation and that's why I'm here. I'm leaving town, just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tire, flashlight, doppelgängers. "Klaus said.

Can't help you there. "Damon said.

He claps Stefan on the shoulder, pulls him back, and shuts the door on Klaus.
Damon moves into the living room and Stefan goes towards the stairs.

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