Dangerous Liaisons

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Mystic Falls Hospital

It's nighttime.
Matty is standing in a hallway, me and Elena walk up to him.

How's Mr. Saltzman? "He asked.

Resigned to spending the night in observation, so long as we promise to change the lock on the house. "Elena said.
So I talked to Bonnie earlier. She and her mom are fine. Have you talked to Caroline? "I asked.
Yeah, she's holding it together, considering how close she and her dad used to be. Any word on who's behind these attacks? "Matty asked.

No, Sheriff Forbes said there's no real suspects at all. "I told him.


Were walking outside the hospital in the parking lot.

How are you dealing with everything? I mean, you keep getting dragged into all of this. "I said.
Honestly...I'm kind of lucky, the only thing that I have to worry about for tomorrow, is showing up for my shift at the Grill. "He answered.

Thank you, for everything today. Really. "I told him softly.
Get home safe. "He said.
Thanks. "I responded.

I sigh and we walk to my car.

Matt gets into his car and reverses out.
Elena waves to him from inside my car as he's driving away.
I start my car, and start reversing, and I hit something.

I stop driving immediately.

What? "Elena asked.

I get out of the car and check my bumper. There's nothing there.

Suddenly, Rebekah appears.

Drive much? "She asked
Rebekah. "I said shocked.

She grabs me and pushes me against my car.
Elena looked scared.
Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Emely. It hurt. "She said angrily.
What are you talking about? That wasn't even me. "I said quickly.

Your lieing! "She yelled.
She tries to bite me and I scream.

Suddenly Elijah rushes over, and holds Rebekah against a car by her throat.

Elijah. "She said annoyed.

Leave. "He commanded.

He releases his grip.
Rebekah steps forward.

Are you challenging me? "He asked her.
You're pathetic. Both of you. "She said angrily.
I didn't do it Rebekah. If I did I would admit it. I like taking credit for what I do. "I said annoyed.
She scoffed.

Then she disappears.

Well...I believe we have a little catching up to do. "Elijah told me.

Gilbert Residence

The next morning, Me, Elena, Stefan, Kevin, Lizzy and Damon are in the kitchen.

It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin. "I said.

As in the Original Witch? "Stefan asked.

What? How is she even alive? Thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago. "Damon responded.

I don't know. I'm guessing she has a couple connections in the witching community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus. "I said.
She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus. "Kevun stated frustrated.

Well, not anymore...at least not according to Elijah. "Elena said.
That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds. "Stefan said.

The Gilbert Witch 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora