The New Deal

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Me and Elena are jogging through Mystic Falls.
I check my watch to see what my time is.
And she does the same.
I turn around and see a man in a hoodie running towards us.

I nudge Elena and she looked.
She got scared.
"Keep running." I mouthed.
She nodded.

We turn back around and start running again.
The man continues to follow us.

We turn a corner and speed up.

After a while, we stop running and look behind us.
The man is gone.
We calm down and turn around, and I walk straight into the man who was following us.

Excuse me. Should have been watching where I was going. "He said.

Yah. You should have. "I said glaring at him.
He's a hybrid.
He smirked at me.

Don't worry about it. "Elena said.
Have a nice day. "He said and jogs away, Elena watches him go.

Mystic Grill

Me, Elena and Bonnie are sitting at a table.

I feel like we're going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time. "Elena said.

You both have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him. "Bonnie said.

Why hasn't he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity. "Elena asked.

Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat. "Bonnie said.

The same dream? "I asked.

Yeah! Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them. It's weird. "She responded.

What if it's not just some dream? What if it's know...witch dream? "Elena suggested.

It's just stress. I'll figure it out. And what about Stefan and Kevin? Has there been any sign of them? "Bonnie asked.

Stefan betrayed us Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone. And Kevin I feel like that was only a one time thing. "I said.

How is Damon handling it? ""Bonnie asked.

Damon is...Damon. "I said sighing.

20 Mins Later

Elena is on the phone, leaving a message for Jeremy.
Damon is shooting darts.

Jeremy, the minute that you get this call me!! "Elena

She hangs up.

Damon gets a bulls-eye.

Unbelievable!! "I shouted sarcastically.

What are we going to do with him!! "She asked agreeing with me.

I don't know. Me and him are going to have a serious talk. "I said and she nodded gratefully.

You are feisty when you are mad. "Damon said to me.
I'm not mad. I'm just-I'm worried. "I said.

But why? He lost his job at the Grill. He can survive, Emely. "He said.

He is spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he is moody, he is not really talking to anyone. And with everything going on I'm really worried. "I said sighing.

It's typical teenager. "He said.

Who's seeing ghosts and has lost everyone that he cares about. "I said.

Not everyone. He still has you. "He said.
I smiled.
Elena clears her throat.

And you too. Of course. "He said to Elena.
I rolled my eyes.

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