Through Fire - Ian

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He lost them both. The people he loved most. More than his own screwed-up family.

Ian lost Sam and Lily. His best friends. His true family.

Now all that was left was Lavina. So that's where Ian went.

One day, a few months after the Games, Ian visited Lavina at her home.

"Ian! What're you doing here?" Lavina exclaimed as she saw him in the doorway. Her stomach was swollen massive with pregnancy.

"Lavina, I came to talk to you. Is about Sam and- Lily." Ian said. Lavina grunted.

"What, then?"

"Let's sit."

"Okay." Lavina answered and led Ian up to her room. They both sat on the bed and Ian started telling Lavina his plan.

"We should start a movement. To avenge them." He said.


"I'm being serious, Lavina. The people are angry, and if we just-"

"You're not being rational, Ian. They'd just kill us. And besides. I can't fight."


"I'm pregnant, Ian."

"Maybe not a riot. But something."

"Ian, no." Lavina said firmly. "You'll just get yourself killed."

"I don't care! I can't stand to live without them anyway..." Ian scowled at the bedspread. "Maybe I'll just leave."

"You can't leave, Ian." Lavina said.

"I can do-"

"No, I mean... you can't leave me," Lavina blushes. "Alone." She added.

Ian grabbed Lavina's hands and stared intensely into her eyes.

"Then come with me!" He said in a loud whisper.

"Pregnant." She reminded him.

Ian sighed.

He left Lavina's house, but decided to stick around the district. For her.

Two weeks later, though, a riot started near their neighborhood. Apparently the people really were angry.

Ian ran outside to see the streets aflame, citizens and Peacekeepers alike battling all around.

Then Ian spotted Lavina's house. On fire.

"LAVINA!" He screamed, busting through the door. He pulled his shirt over his nose and crouched in the smoke. "Lavina!"

"Ian!" Lavina screamed. She was in the living room, through a wall of fire.

"I'm coming!" Ian screamed. He breathed in and out deeply-

And jumped through the fire.

"AGHHHH!" He screamed and fell onto the floor at Lavina's feet, pain searing through his bubbling skin.

"Ian!" She kneeled by him and tried to pull him up.

"Let's go!" Ian screamed. He and Lavina staggered out the back door and towards the fence. It was torn down, so they crept over it, hand in hand.

It hurt Ian's tender skin to hold Lavina's hand, but he did it anyway.

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