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"Mommy, why do the stars shine so bright?" My brother asked curiously as he pointed at the sky with his chubby little arms.

"It's the way things work, sweetheart. It's just what they do. I never understood either." She answered softly as she patted his head and kissed my forehead.

"What do we do, mommy?" I asked.

"We're born to help the world, hon. But there will be a time in which we will die, just like any others." She answered while smiling sadly at me. My face revealed my confusion. I was young. Just a child. I barely understood, but somehow I knew. My days were numbered and every moment was valuable and this moment I'd live to remember.

"Can you stop us from dying?" I whispered softly as my eyes welled with tears at the thought of death.

"I can't, sweetheart. But if you're chosen, you'll fight for yourself and most importantly, for us. We'll always love you. That's something I want you to remember."


I brushed away my tears and rubbed my eyes. I had been too young to understand what she meant, I understand now. My time had come, and I just had to try my best for Lavina and Peter. I had to make them believe I was coming back, safe and sound. There was no point in denying the truth, I was already dead, but I had to fight, for my family. I had to fight. I promised I would see my nephew's face, and I intended to keep that promise.

"Five minutes." A peacekeeper says as he opens the door, gun in hand. I shiver as his cruel eyes meet mine and he gives me a cold sneer.

"Hope." Ian says after he walks in. His eyes study me, carefully watching my face.

"What?" I ask. I don't understand...

"You need hope. We all have fears, Lil. We can't let them win. You're brave, strong, and selfless. You can win." He says.

I search for any sign of amusement on his face. I'm surprised when his eyes fill with tears and he hugs me tightly.

"I will win." I assure him. "Plus, I've got a wedding to attend." I add to diffuse the tension. Ian laughed and choked. I don't think he knew I knew about his crush on my sister. Even after she got pregnant he still had a crush on her.

I wish I could love someone like that someday, but I'm afraid of rejection, humiliation. I've always been afraid to express my feelings. I'm not sure if I have enough courage.

"Shh, shh." I try to soothe him as he starts to cry harder. It must be tough, Sam and I are his best friends, and now we're both gone.

"Promise me you'll look after them." I whisper as I brush away my tears.

"Promise me you'll win." He replies. He stops crying and looks at me hard.

"I promise." We say at the same time. Then we press our thumbs and foreheads together, as we did when we were children.

"Times up." A peacekeeper barks as he barges into the room and drags Ian by the neck while he struggles to break free. I gasp loudly while I try to help him, and the peacekeeper pulls his gun on me.

"You're a tribute, not a rebel. Act like one and you're dead. Consider this a miracle and an act of mercy." His cold tone makes me shiver in fright as my eyes show panic and fear. I step back in total horror and watch Ian get dragged out by the neck.

"Tell them I love them!" I yell in desperation. Ian's eyes meet mine, hazel and blue, and he nods. As long as they know, I think I can die happily now.

hope in our eyes || 37th hunger games ✔️Where stories live. Discover now