Winning Might Not Be So Easy

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After we are led into the Justice Building, Olive and I are sent into separate rooms where our friends and family will come and say their final words to us. I say final words because being reaped for the Hunger Games pretty much means certain death for those of us in the outer districts. The victor is almost always from 1, 2, or 4, where people dropping dead from starvation isn't the norm. At least, that's what I've gathered based on their condition, and the Capitol's love of their districts.

I'm too fidgety and nervous to sit on the plain, white couch, which seems too perfect for a district where we spend our days digging in the dirt anyway, so I stand near the door instead, awaiting the arrival of my family, who have been pardoned from work for the rest of the day.

The first to arrive is Violet. She runs towards me and I engulf her in a hug.

"Oh, Aspen. We heard Olive's name called, and I was so upset that I couldn't have volunteered for her, and then you volunteered... Aspen, why? You know only one can win!" She's crying, hard.

"You know she couldn't have made it." I whisper, pulling away so I can look her in the eyes, but not quite letting go. Never letting go. "She'll get home with my help."

Violet sighs.

"What if she doesn't? I can't lose you both, Aspen!" Violet cries, losing herself in another round of sobs. I stare into her amber eyes, usually so bright, but now shrouded in the darkness of reality. I pull her close again, and we sink slowly to the ground, where we sit wrapped in each other's arms. The only noise is that of Violet's sobs and my labored breathing. I'm fighting the urge to break down and cry. Not because of cameras, since there are none in this room, but because I know if I start I'll never stop.

After a while I decide I must say something more. I pull my head from Violet's shoulder and press my forehead against hers, closing my tired eyes and running my hands over her soft brown hair.

"I love you, Violet." I mutter.

"I love you, too." Violet says. I can feel her breath against my face.

"Take care of Cedar. And mom and dad." I insist.

"I will... Take care of Olive. And yourself." Violet replies.

"I will." I assure her.

"I love you so much, baby brother." She says, pulling away so she can see me properly. She hasn't called me that since we were small. "So much." She hugs me once more and kisses the top of my head, then let's go and stands up.

"I love you too, big sister." I choke out. Then a peacekeeper comes in and takes Violet away, presumably so she can go visit Olive, and leaves me alone on the floor in the white room.

A moment later, mom, dad, and Cedar come in.

"We've just seen Olive." Mom says, dropping to the floor with me. I nod. Dad kneels beside us, Cedar nestled in his arms. "She's so frightened."

"How are you, son?" Dad asks.

"Fine." My voice is thick with emotion.

"I don't know what to say... I... Good luck." Mom mutters.

"It's going to be Olive." I say.

Nobody answers me. We sit on the floor for a while, listening to each other's breathing, studying each other's faces. Suddenly Cedar starts to sniffle, then full out cry. Dad tries to comfort her, but she's inconsolable.

"Hey. It's ok, Cedar." I say softly, taking her from dad and standing up. "Don't cry."

"Momma and daddy said we was never gonna see you again." Cedar wails.

hope in our eyes || 37th hunger games ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin