Raise the Action

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We don't find anyone else that night and eventually make our way to the lake for the "surprise where the stevias lay" and sleep throughout the daytime.

I wake up around noon, the blazing sun in my eyes. I roll over and look up at Britney and Ash, who were supposed to be on guard but have dozed off.

I go over to the pile of supplies we brought along and find some crackers and dried fruit and a canteen of water, my stomach growling. After I've finished eating and have been sitting staring at the tree line for a few minutes, a cannon sounds. My eyes dart back and forth as I look for the source, but can't find it.

"Hey, Lily," I hear Britney say as she walks up behind me. She sits next to me on the coarse grass. "I'm sure it's fine."

"Yeah." I say and offer her some crackers and fruit, which she gladly accepts.

"Thanks." She says between mouthfuls. I watch her eat from behind a curtain of my hair, and find myself thinking that maybe she's really on my side.

"So... did you have a family in One?" I ask shyly. It's the only conversation starter I can think up.

"Yeah. Twin brothers. Sam and Harry, they're seven." She says tersely, still eating.

"Sam?" I ask. She laughs a little. She has a nice laugh when it's not directed at your humiliation.

"Yeah. He kinda reminds me of your Sam, too," She gestures at my sleeping district partner. "He's really sweet," she laughs, louder this time. "Harry's a troublemaker though."

I smile back at her, then look off into the distance. After a while Britney closes the food and wipes her fingers on the grass.

"What about you?" She asks quietly.

"Uh... I had two brothers and a sister, and I'll have a niece soon." I say slowly.

"Had?" Britney raises an eyebrow.

"The older brother, my twin, died five years ago." I say solemnly.

"Oh," Britney mutters. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I sigh and stand up. "I'll probably be joining him soon."


That night as we sit around the fire, the anthem blares and two people show up in the sky. The first is Mia, and I look down and let out a puff of hot breath. The other is a boy, probably a little older than me. I think he was Hazel's partner and it makes me wonder if she's upset. I didn't see them together much in training, she mostly stuck with the tributes from 8 and 11 and sometimes the girl from 7 I think.

My mind wanders to the other tributes, specifically the boy from 11; Aspen. I can picture his messy browns hair and deep brown eyes... his eyes really are beautiful. I scold myself because I shouldn't be thinking about another tribute like that, and why was I ever staring into his eyes anyway? I sink back in the grass and try to fall asleep.


Several hours later I'm still lying there staring at the sky when I hear another cannon. I bolt upright, as do Tovar, Sam, and Ash. Britney and Blade are still asleep.

"Who do you think it was?" Sam asks.

"Probably one of the weak ones; that little girl from Eleven maybe? I was surprised she'd lasted this far." Ash scoffs. I glare at her.

"She was actually pretty good." I say, very obviously annoyed.

"Lily..." Sam says.

"Yeah, Lily," Ash starts. "Getting a little fiery now aren't we?"

"No ma'am." I say sweetly, and Ash scowls.

"Don't test me, seashell." She says icily, and I decide I shouldn't push my luck. Instead I pretend to go to sleep.


Nothing else happens all the next day. Literally nothing. No deaths, no mutts, nothing but a sponsor gift of some fine, bitter cheese.

At this rate, I'm sure the Gamemakers will do something to raise the action soon, and I'm not looking forward to finding out what it is.

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