chapter three

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Bella was sleeping when Alice walked in. "Don't you even dare Alice. Dad put her on bed rest. She had a rough night and could of lost the baby." I told her.

"Wait baby! Bella pregnant again?" She asked. "Yeah just found out last night. So you guys are just going to handle until tomorrow." I told her.

She turns around and walks out and the kids walk in and climb on the bed beside me.

"I got some news for you kids." They look at each other then to me and they got grins on there faces. "Grandpa told us and we couldn't be any happier for you guys." I shake my head and chuckle.

Bella opens her eyes and smiles at the site. "Not that I mind my family in bed with me but why?" She asks.

"Seems Grandpa Cullen told them the news." Bella giggles. "He did huh! Seems someone excited about being a Grandpa again." I laugh.

"It would awesome so." I said. "So what do we do with all this free time?" Bella asks.

"Oh no, your on bed rest baby. You have to rest before the wedding tomorrow." I told her. "So not fair." She gives me her pouty face.


Edward is out checking on the hatchlings and the dragons while I am stuck in this bed.

"Hey stranger!" I look up to see my sister Christa standing in the doorway. "I talked Edward into letting you into getting some fresh air as long as Alice don't get her hands on you." A smile grows on my face.

"Thank you, thank you, I hate being cooped up." I told her. "I remembered. So what you say we go out and go for a walk." I get up and go to my sister and take her arm.

"Wow it's so beautiful for tomorrow." I told her. "Your and Edward day will be so perfect. You guys deserve it you know and what's this I hear your pregnant again." I giggled.

Then Christa puts me behind her. "Oh no Alice. What ever your thinking no. Bella only out for some fresh air not out to do any work for the wedding." Christa said.

Alice stumped her and turned around with a huff and walked off and we both laugh. "That girl I swear she is a slave driver." I laughed more.

"You got that right and it isn't even her wedding. This is to much and not how I wanted it." Then I saw the look on Christa face.

"Where talking to Esme and I think we're going behind Edwards back because your right. This is way too much." She said.

"Okay let's do it!" I said. "Now we need to send the men away too." Christa said. "Now there's something to keep Alice busy. Keeping her brother busy." I say.

"That's a job within itself. Especially with you in your condition. This will work." We both giggled.

Edward was going over everything with me about how not to work to get pently of rest.

"I will be fine Edward. Besides it's only for the night and tomorrow is your birthday and our wedding day." He walks over and wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my hair.

"Tomorrow at this time you'll be Mrs. Cullen. As many times I remember us going through this. Now it's actually happening for real." I smack him.

"Not fair Cullen you lived this already." He chuckled. "At least I get to see you in that wedding dress again." I pulled away and glared at him.

"Who to say it's the same mister." I giggled. "It's time to go dad. Aunt Alice sent me to get you." Mason said.

"I still can't believe you guys got Alice to go." I giggled. "She's the only one that can keep your butt there. Plus this way she isn't trying to get me to help." I told him.

"Good point!" He says giving me a quick kiss. "Walk me out." I nod my head.

I watch as the men walk through the portal and I feel an arm go around my shoulder.

"Ready to take this down a notch and make it into a wedding you and Edward want." Christa says.

"Let's get to work. Edward going to kill me but it's going to be worth it. But first don't you think we need a little help from mother." Christa smiles and we both run into the castle.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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