Chapter 20

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A few nights later, Liz goes home from work. As she walks through the door, Liz is overwhelmed by the delightful smell of baked raviolis and ricotta cheese. "Something smells good," Liz says as she places her purse and keys on the kitchen table. She leans up against Matthew's back and whispers, "Matt, can we talk?"

Matthew immediately stops what he is doing and turns around to face her. He looks confused and jokes, "You're not leaving me again, are you?"

"No, I'm not leaving you," Liz chuckles and continues, "I know you have Elizabeth, but how would you feel about having another baby?"

This question cut Matthew off in his tracks. He certainly was not expecting Liz to ask this. Matthew moves a piece of hair from the side of Liz's face to behind her ear and answers, "Another baby? Liz, Elizabeth is only ten months old."

"I know, babe, but," Liz's eyes begin to water as she takes in a deep breath, "I'm ready. I'm thirty-seven years old."

Matthew takes a minute to think before he replies, "Are you sure you're ready?"

"Absolutely. I want a baby more than anything else."

"And you're positive about this?"

"I am," Liz whispers.

A smile grew on Matthew's face. "Alright then, let's try to have another baby."

Liz became overly excited. "Really?!" she exclaims as she leaps onto Matthew, straddling his hips. She begins to kiss his lips over and over again. Matthew broke their kiss and says, "But, can we eat first?" Liz laughs and hops off of him. "Sure, let's eat," she answers.

They begin to eat as soon as Matthew serves the raviolis. Liz has always enjoyed Matthew's cooking, but she especially loved his raviolis stuffed with ricotta cheese. It was like heaven in her mouth.

While they were eating, they hear a knocking at the door. Liz walks over and answers it, seeing Krista standing there. "Hey Kris!" Liz shouts, letting Krista inside. "We just sat down for dinner, why don't you join us?" Liz asks, grabbing a plate for her.

"Hey Krista, take a seat," Matt says.

"Thank you! Liz, before we sit down, may I talk to you?" Krista replies.

"Sure, is everything alright?" Liz questions before she and Krista walk into the spare bedroom.

Once they walk into the room, Krista shuts the door behind them. "Liz, I might be pregnant," Krista very bluntly shares.

"What? How?"

"I think you and I both know how."

"Well, when was your last period?"

"I don't know! Two months ago?"

"How don't you know?"

"I don't know, I wasn't paying attention until the other day! I can't be pregnant, Liz!"

"Kris, we really need to talk about safe sex," Liz chuckles, "This is the second time!"

"Liz, you of all people should not be talking about safe sex."

"Why not? Oh, that reminds me! I need to tell you something too!"

"What?" Krista asks.

Liz takes in a deep breath and exclaims, "Matt and I are going to try to have another baby!"

"Really? That's great!" Krista says as she brings Liz in for a hug. Liz returns the hug before they go back to eat.


Everyday is the same for Liz. She walks into work, studies bodies, then goes home. Something was different about today, but she just could not put her finger on it. Liz wakes up with a huge knot in her neck. Apparently, sleeping with her neck in the crease of Matthew's neck was not a very good idea. It causes extreme pain when she even slightly tilts her head to the side. Today is just not her day.

Stumbling into work, Liz holds the side of her neck in place. She stands still, waiting for her coffee, and very slowly tilts her head to the left. The sound of her neck cracking filled the room.

"Ouch doc, is everything alright?" Simon asks.

Liz grunts as she turns her head back into place, "Mm, yes."

"It doesn't sound like a yes, doctor. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Well, while I was sleeping last night, it seems as if I developed a myofascial trigger point in my upper trapezius muscle."

Simon stares confusingly at Liz. "Sounds painful," he whispers sarcastically.

"It's a knot in my neck," Liz says reassuringly.

"Well, couldn't you have just said that the first time?"

Liz shakes her head and laughs simultaneously. As she laughs, the stabbing pain in her neck pierces once again. Liz let's out a grunt, "Ouch," she whispers.

"Hey doc, if you want, I can give you a massage," Simon offers.

"A massage?"

"Yes, my mom was a massage masseuse and I picked up on little tricks."

"You are talking about an actual massage, right Detective?" Liz asks very professionally.

Simon laughs, "Of course I am. Come on, we can do it in your office."

Once they both receive their coffee, Liz and Simon head down into her office. "Alright, take a seat," Simon says as he pulls out Liz's chair for her. She sits down and lowers her head down so that her chin was in contact with her chest. Simon begins the massage with little pulses over the spot that was causing Liz extreme pain. She closes her eyes and breathes rather deeply at the pleasure she was experiencing.

When her massage was over, she stands up and stretches her neck in a circular motion. "Mm... Thanks Simon, it feels so much better now," Liz whispers.

"I'm glad," Simon smiles.

Liz smiles back and the two capture each other's gaze for a few seconds. Simon inches closer and closer to Liz. Being blindsided, Liz is not completely aware of what is happening. The space in between them got smaller and smaller before Liz sealed the gap between their lips. Immediately, Liz pushes Simon away from her and covers her lips with her fingers. What the hell did I just do? Liz thought to herself.

A/N: I know there's many different twists and turns going on in this book, but stay with me! Everything will settle in, I promise! I have many more plans for Liz and Matt. Good AND bad. BOOO, I know right? But trust me, you guys will enjoy it! I'm thinking that Inevitable will have a good amount of chapters left, then when it is complete, I will work on the third book. Comment if you have any ideas for book number 3! Thanks for reading, guys!!! :) <3

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