Chapter 5

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The next morning, Liz wakes up to a sore lip. She opens her eyes and notices that she is laying on top of Matthew's bare chest. Laying her hand on top of his chest, Liz begins to twirl his chest hair, letting him know that she is awake. She props herself up on her elbows and sees that Matthew is asleep. Liz gets up to go to the bathroom, trying not to disturb him.

Looking in the mirror, Liz gasps at a black and blue lip. She feels all around the corner of her lip and laughs. Remembering how she received this, she thinks of how Matthew bit her lip while kissing on her kitchen counter. The inside of her gum is swollen and is giving her enormous pain. Sneaking up behind her, Matthew wraps his arms around her waist and kisses the back of her neck. Liz slightly jumps, "You scared me."

"What happened to your lip?" Matt asks.

"You left your mark on it," Liz whispers and she turns around to kiss Matthew. She cringes at the pain her lip was feeling when his lips connected to hers, "Ouch."

Matthew immediately pulls away and smiles, "Woops, I apologize, Dr. Rananti."

"I haven't been called that in forever."

"I'm sorry that you're being kept away from work."

"I hate staying home with nothing to do. Don't get me wrong, I love you so much, but it really miss work."

"How about we go and visit the police department, then go out to lunch?" Matt suggests.

Liz smiles at the idea, "I'd love that."

They both get dressed and head out for the day.


A few weeks later, Liz is seven and a half months pregnant. She is beginning to feel the final stages of her pregnancy and after each day goes by, she gets more and more excited to meet her son. The biggest debate going on in their lives right now is the name for the baby. Liz likes the idea of an old, sophisticated name for her soon-to-be son, while Matthew enjoys something more, Matthew.

"How about Charles?"

Matthew makes a face in disgust and looks over at Liz, "And what is his nickname going to be? Charlie Brown?"

"Well then why don't you come up with names?" she asks, losing all of her tolerance.

"Can't he be a junior?"

"Matty, when I say your name, I want to be calling for you. I want our son to be unique."

For some reason, hearing Liz say, "...our son," sent a shiver down Matthew's spine. He loved hearing those words coming out of her mouth and directed towards him. He always knew that Liz was the perfect woman for him, but for as long as he could remember, she has always dated different men and never the same one twice. He thought that he would never have a chance with her. But right here and now, hearing those two words, "Our. Son," made Matthew feel as if he was on cloud nine.

"Our son," he whispered to himself.

"I love the sound of that," Liz smiles and continues, "I never thought that I would ever be able to say that."

"The best part about hearing that is that it's coming out of your mouth."

"Ok mister romance, come up with some names!"

"How about Nathan? Tommy? John? David? Derek?" Matt begins to list. With each name that flowed from his mouth, Liz rejected.

"I don't know, Liz. This is why I told you to come up with a name."

"But a name is something that we should decide on together."

"Well of course. I'm not going to let you name our son something that I don't like, ha ha," Matt replies as they get interrupted by someone knocking on the front door. "At least we're not getting interrupted doing something important," Matt says as Liz gives him a smirk. She opens the door and sees Krista standing there.

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