Chapter 3

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On a rainy a Friday night, Liz drives to a restaurant to have dinner with Sargent Baker. It is pouring out and as Liz makes her way to the booth that Sargent Baker has reserved, she takes off her hood and jacket. She is soaked. "I'm so sorry I'm late," Liz apologizes as she takes a seat in front of Sargent Baker. "No need to apologize, shall we order drinks?" Sargent Baker asks, calling over the waitress. They both order iced tea and begin to order their meals. When the waitress brings them their beverages, Sargent Baker and Liz begin to order. Liz orders a greasy cheeseburger with extra fries and ketchup, while Sargent Baker orders homemade spaghetti.

"Wow, starting to get cravings?" Sargent Baker jokes.

"Ha, yes. I've been dying for a greasy cheeseburger."

"I craved those things as well."

"I never knew you were pregnant or had a daughter. How old is she?" Liz asks, not thinking straight.

"She isn't. She passed away two days after birth," Sargent Baker responded, playing with her hands.

"Oh Sargent Baker, I'm so sorry."

"Please, call me Sherri."

"Ok, Sherri.." calling Sargent Baker "Sherri" was a strange feeling for Liz. She never knew what her first name was.

"Elizabeth, when I found out about your baby, your son... My heart broke for you. I just want you to know that I am your friend before your Sargent."

"I greatly appreciate that, thank you. If you don't mind me asking, what happened with your daughter?"

"Well children with HLHS have to undergo three surgeries known as 'staged reconstruction'. The first surgery is given when the child is approximately a couple days old, as an infant, then the last two are between one and a half and three years of age," Sherri was explaining as Liz nodded her head in understanding. She continued, "Hope, my daughter, had her first open-heart surgery when she was two days old. And," Sherri paused, "and she never made it through the surgery."

Taking a deep breath in, Liz cupped her stomach as tears started to form in her eyes. Sherri spoke up, "Elizabeth, I'm not trying to make you worried. Believe me, that is my last intention."

"No, it's not that. There have been many children who come on my autopsy table with HLHS. It just scares me," Liz reassures her.

"I'm so sorry, doctor," Sherri says as the waitress walks up with their orders.

Liz dives right into her cheeseburger. The last time she has had one was back when she was in college with Matthew. Thinking of him really made her miss him. When her and Sherri finish their meals, they continued to talk as they walked out the door.

"Elizabeth, these kinds of things are difficult, but I promise you will get through it. You're a strong woman," Sherri says to Liz as she gets in her car.

"Thank you," Liz replies with a smile.


Over at Krista's work, Liz's mother pays her a visit.

"Oh, hello Mary," Krista says.

"Hi, Krista."

"What bring you here? I don't suppose you want a tour?" Krista jokes.

Mary chuckles, "No, I was actually going to ask you about Liz's baby shower."

"Oh, what about it? I haven't planned it yet."

"I was wondering if you would like my help?"

"Of course. It'll mean a lot to Liz, but what made you want to help out with the shower?" Krista asks.

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