Chapter 11

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"Liz, are you going to be ok?" Krista asks as she drives Liz to the airport.

"Yeah, I will be fine."

"You'll be back, right?"

"Of course. I will come back for some holidays and I will be back for your birthday."

Krista drives Liz to the airport and walks her to security. They go as far as the security will let Krista and they say their goodbyes. The two friends have been together for many years and this is their first time being separate since they have met. Krista leans in and gives a long, meaningful hug.

"If you need anything, Liz, I'm just a phone call away," Krista whispers in her ear.

"Thanks, Krista. I'm going to miss you."


The next morning was the morning everyone's life will change. Matthew wakes up and realizes that it is his wedding day. Liz, on the other hand, had a very difficult sleep. She knew that this morning, the love of her life will be married to some other woman. To preoccupy herself, Liz goes to her new workplace and introduces herself.

The bells are ringing and it is seventy-two degrees outside- perfect for a wedding. The doors swing open and there stands a beautiful woman in a white gown. Matthew watches her as she slowly walks down the aisle. Melanie walks up with her father and he removes the veil, handing his daughter off to Matthew. The ceremony begins.

The priest begins, "We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Melanie and Matthew as they exchange vows of their everlasting love. Who gives this woman to be marries to this man?"

"Her mother and I do," Melanie's father speaks up. He places Melanie's hand in Matthew's and takes a seat with his wife.

"As Melanie and Matthew take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family- a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love," the priest continues, "May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may Matthew and Melanie both look forward to each new season of their marriage- just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year."

After the communion, the priest continues, "At this time, I'll ask you, Matthew, and you, Melanie, to face each other and take each other's hands."

Matthew was hesitant, but reached for Melanie's hands. When their hands meet, Matthew feels nothing. There were no sparks. Before he knew it, the priest began the most important part of the ceremony.

"Matthew, will you take Melanie to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"

There was a moment of silence. All Matthew was thinking about was Liz. Shouldn't the priest be saying Elizabeth? Why wasn't he? These were all the questions going on in Matthew's mind. Finally, he looks up at Melanie and sees not the woman he used to love, but the woman he loves now. He sees the woman that he is going to start a new life with. Liz moved away to Chicago- a far way from Florida. She was old news, but Melanie is new news.

"I do," Matthew whispers.


"Liz, what's up?" Krista greets while answering her cell phone.

"Krista, did I make a mistake?" Liz asks.

"A mistake with what?"

"Everything. Letting Matt leave, moving here."

"What do you mean letting him leave?"

Liz never told Krista about when Matthew stopped by. Or about the kiss.

"Matt came by my house right before I moved."

"He did? You never told me."

"Kris, every man I meet, I can't make any commitments. We'll have sex, but it's not the same as what Matt and I had. We actually slept together. With these men, it doesn't last longer than an hour."

"Liz, it has been months since you last saw him and Matt is happily married right now."

"I know, but I can't stay here any longer. I hate this cold winter. I miss the warmth."

"I have a feeling that the weather is not what's dragging you back here."

"What should I do?"

"Liz, I'm not so sure with this one. I think it's about time for you to move on from Matt and meet a new guy."

"I have met guys. Many guys. But I don't love any of them."

"I don't know what to tell you. You can't just come back and expect everything to go back to when you and Matt were a couple."

"Kris, we used to be so close. Him and I....we couldn't go one night without making love. They were beautiful nights too. How could I just let him go like that?"

"Honestly, Liz, I think you did what was right. You were heart broken and you felt as if the only way to cope with Trevor's passing was to let Matt go."

"I miss him so much. He was the most beautiful baby I've ever laid eyes on."

"I know, Liz. I know."

Krista stayed on the phone with Liz as long as she needed. That night was one of the longest nights for her.

After her conversation with Krista, Liz sank into depression. Once a week, she goes to see a professional psychologist. Liz was diagnosed with chronic depression. It is interesting how fast your life can turn upside down. In Liz's case, everything changed within two weeks.


Matthew and Melanie have been married for six months now. Melanie likes to think of them as the happiest couple ever, but Matthew does not. On one rainy morning in April, Melanie runs into Krista at the grocery store.

"Oh hi! Krista right?" Melanie asks as Krista is looking for cheese.

"Oh, Melanie. Hello," she responds.

"How are you?"

"I'm great, how are you?"

"I'm perfect, thank you for asking."

"How is Matt?" Krista asks.

"He couldn't be better."

Krista got a bit angry hearing Melanie say this. She decides to dig a little deeper and asks, "How is everything going between you two?"

"Oh, everything is perfect! We are expecting our first baby," Melanie reveals.

"A baby?"

"Yes! I am four months today!"

Krista suddenly becomes furious with Melanie. She still wants Liz and Matthew to get back together, but hearing that they are starting a family together tells her that he has definitely moved on. "Congratulations," Krista replies.

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