Chapter 6

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Jake, Liz's father, has been staying in their guest house for a few weeks now. They are all preparing for Liz's water to break and for the baby to come. It is around mid-July now, and Liz's due date is right around the corner. She has been feeling minor contractions, but nothing serious. The family was growing impatient, waiting for the new bundle of joy to be born.

It is hot and humid outside, forcing Liz to remain indoors. She has been awfully grumpy lately because of this weather- Liz has never been a fan of the heat. Matthew and Jake, Liz's father, have been both running multiple different errands to make Liz comfortable.

One night, Liz and Matthew are laying in bed, about to go to sleep. Liz turns around and asks Matthew if he is still awake. He turns to look at her as they seal the gap between their lips.

"That felt amazing," Liz whispers, taking in a deep breath.

"Did it?" Matt asks.

"It did. Do you wanna know what I'm in the mood for?"

Matthew smiles. "What's that?"

Instead of answering, Liz props herself up on Matthew's chest and resumes to kiss him.

"Liz, what are you doing?"

"Oh, come on. Don't you want to fool around at least a little bit?" Liz asks Matthew, while tracing circles on his chest.

"Of course I do, but wouldn't that affect the baby?"

"Well, it can induce me..."


"Matty, please. I really need this."

"Your father is right outside on the couch."

"Then we'll have to be quiet," Liz whispers back as she slides her shorts down. Matthew took her word for it and began to kiss her softly. They sit up and Liz straddles his hips. When Matthew gently pushes in her, he kissed that tickle spot on Liz's neck and she accidentally lets out a scream. Matthew quickly covers her mouth as they both begin to laugh out loud.

Jake knew that something was up, but decided to leave them alone. Their laughs were growing louder and before it got too out of hand, Liz's father decides to go upstairs to bed. He certainly did not want to hear his baby girl having sex. Just thinking about it gave him a bad case of goosebumps.

The next morning, Matthew wakes up early to make breakfast for Liz and her father. As he begins the eggs, Liz sneaks up behind him and quickly wraps her arms around his core. Feeling her warm body press up against his back, Matthew whispers behind him, "You scared me." Liz laughs and replies, "You frighten me every morning, you deserved it." They laugh as Liz rests her head on Matthew's back, still hugging him.

"Well, what do we got here?" Liz's father asks, walking into the kitchen to see his daughter embracing Matthew.

Liz smiles, "Hey daddy," she says, not letting go of Matthew.

"Hey pumpkin," he replies while softly kissing her forehead.

"Hey Jake," Matt joins in, still focussing on his perfect, sunny side-up eggs.

"What are you doing, Mr Matthew?" Jake asks.

"Making eggs for us. I thought we could all use some eggs today," Matt answers as Liz releases her grip, going to set the table.

"I'm glad to see a good man taking care of my daughter."

"Daddy..." Liz interrupts.

"Well he's a lot better than Mike."

"Who's Mike?" Matt asks.

"Mike is one of my ex boyfriends," Liz answers.

"Mike is her first real boyfriend. They were together for three and a half years," Jake explains as Liz looks at Matthew with a sympathetic look, "Thank The Lord she broke up with him."

"He wasn't that bad, daddy," Liz replies.

"Yes it was, that bastard was controlling," he said to Liz. Jake turns to Matthew, "He made sure to give her anything and everything she wanted, so she could do the same. He was a controlling son of a bitch."

"Alright, daddy, that's enough."

"Liz, it's alright. I'm yours now, I don't care," Matt reassures her.

"You better not hurt my little girl," Jake said, threatening Matthew.

The three of them chuckle a bit when Jake spoke up again, "Boy, I don't know what you did to make my wife hate you."

"I don't know either, but what can I say? Not everyone is supposed to like you, ya know?"

Liz leans over and pecks Matthew on his cheek, "I love how you don't care what people think, even my parents."

"Oh well, I kind of care what your father thinks. He's a bit intimidating," Matt responds making them laugh.

The three of them eat their breakfasts and go about their day. Matthew is doing his schooling online, Liz is in major cleaning mode, and Jake is off at work. They do the same routine basically everyday.


A couple more weeks go by and Liz is even closer to her due date. Within just a couple of days, her son should be born. Liz was both excited and frightened to find out how her son is. All she can think about is his condition and if he will make it. There have been many different people, that ranged from babies to elders, that appeared on her autopsy table and she most certainly did not want her son to be one of them.

Matthew has been very supportive of Liz. He talks to her to calm her down when she is upset about the baby and for some reason, he always seems to make her feel better. Liz can not wait until she delivers and is able to have a normal night with Matthew. She knew that all of their fun rendezvous were over.

Liz's father, Jake, decided to start looking for apartments and condos so he can get out of his daughter's house. He always feels like he is intruding. Of course, he knows that his daughter does not really care if he stays, if anything, she wants him to stay, but he just feels as if he is intruding. Jake's goal is to move out before the baby turns one. Liz finds it funny that he chose that deadline, he just wanted to give himself enough time. He also wants to help out with his first grandson.

"How was your day?" Matthew asks as he climbs in bed next to Liz.

"It was alright."

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing," Liz sighs.

"Babe, I know something's wrong. What is it?"

"I just want this baby out."

"Well you're due in less than a week. Maybe it will be soon."

"I hope so. I'm sorry, Matty."

"Sorry about what?"

"About all of this. About how we have no more fun time and how we are never alone."

Matthew hugs the back of Liz and kisses the back of her neck. He whispers, "This is plenty for me. Just laying here with you."

With a large smile on her face, Liz turns around to face Matthew. She kisses him, "That's all I needed to here."

They both close their eyes and peacefully drift away to sleep. In the middle of the night, Liz wakes up to sharp pains in her sides. Contractions. She shoots up and wakes Matthew. They grab the previously made suitcase and head out the door.

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