Part 1: Chapter 20

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As Sharni stepped into her first lesson, she panned the classroom of bustling students to see if Steven was already there waiting for her. But much to her dismay, he was nowhere to be seen.

Well, I guess I'll have to cope without him for a little while. Sharni thought with a sigh.

A hand landed on Sharni's shoulder and made her jump. Nevertheless, she was instantly relieved to see who it was.

"Ronan!" Sharni leaped. "I'm so glad to see you!"

"I'm glad to see you're ok." Ronan smiled. "Let's get seated."

Both Sharni and Ronan quietly walked into their Biology classroom and sat themselves down at a desk next to each other and started preparing themselves for the lesson.

After getting her essentials out on the table, Sharni's mind drifted into thought. Her thin eyebrows scrunched down with apprehension. She was angrier with herself than she was with Steven for not letting her know he was coming late.

How stupid and lame could I be?  She cursed herself. I got ready this morning so eagerly for nothing!

Ronan could not help but notice Sharni looking lost in space. He gently placed his hand on hers, hoping that Sharni would snap out.

Sure enough, Sharni came back to earth and turned to look to at Ronan, trying in vain to hide her true thoughts.

"What is it, Ronan?" She asked.

Ronan hissed a small laugh through his teeth. "Funny, I was gonna ask you the same question!"

"Oh." Sharni said as she turned away again.

"So, what's up?" Ronan asked again.

"Nothing." Sharni shook her head in a coy manner as she did not want to worry Ronan.

However, her acting was not good enough and Ronan could see something was clearly bothering her and was he knew exactly what it was.

"Mr. Steve Wilks?" Ronan smiled softly through his concerned eyes.

Straight away, Sharni turned to face him again with a surprised look on her face.

Uff, Sharni, you should have taken Drama classes!  She told herself. You're no good at hiding things! Everyone knows what you're thinking!

Sharni nodded slowly and reluctantly. She could feel her face heating up with bashfulness. She started to feel like an idiot as if Steven was all she could ever think about. In fact Steven was all she could think about! Everything else was a total blur!

Luckily, Ronan seemed like a guy with understanding. He smiled again with reassuring eyes.

"Don't worry." He said. "He's just having some family issues that he needs to deal with right now."

Sharni still did not feel as relieved as she wanted to be. There was still one unanswered burning question. "Why couldn't he phone me up and tell me?"

Ronan shrugged his shoulders. "He probably didn't wanna worry you."

"Either way, he still worries me." Sharni muttered.

Ronan was about to say something more, but the classroom door opening diverted him to turn around. He fell silent just like the rest of the class as they anxiously anticipated for Miss Hague to enter. But, once it was noted that it was only Vince who opened the door, everyone resumed their conversations.

Vince wore a white shirt under a navy blue suit, along with a royal blue tie loosely tied around his neck. He walked in, carrying his briefcase and sat himself down at an empty desk, a row and column away from Sharni and Ronan. He took off his jacket and hung it on the back of his chair. Then he placed his briefcase on his desk and opened it. As he took out his writing supplies, his wandering green eyes searched the classroom to see who was there.

The "What If" Challenge Series: The Alternative College Lovers (18+)Where stories live. Discover now