Part 1: Chapter 15

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Sophia pressed the sides of her temple as she began to panic even more.

"NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" Sophia wailed, collapsing to her knees.

Ade bent down to his sister's side and tried to calm her down. "Don't break down like this sis."

"No, I was given the responsibility to keep her safe." Sophia cried. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "What if something happened to her?"

"What could possibly happen?" Ade wrapped his sister around with his arms.

"Vince." Sophia said with a shaky voice.

Sophia did not have to say too much as Ade knew the story. He smiled softly and reassured his sister with a hug.

"Look, there's loads of people here, I'm sure she'll be ok, you'll see." He said. "Vince won't be able to lay a single touch on her in the crazy crowd out there."

"You sure." Sophia managed to say calmly through her tears.

"Positive." Ade nodded. "Everyone's busy trying to get out of here anyway. Sharni could even be outside already."

"I guess you're right." Sophia sniffed and tried to give a little smile.

Ade dried off Sophia's tears and helped her back on her feet and together they walked out of the furniture store where the fire alarm was still ringing.

It took another 10 minutes for Sophia and Ade to get out through the screaming rush of the customers and staff of the shop who were all trying to get outside through the Fire Exit.

Everyone made their way out to the car parking lot where most of them calmed themselves down. They all looked at the building but there was no sign of a fire from where they were standing.

A siren of a Fire Truck was heard, but the action on the fire could not be view.

A few minutes later the Manager who was smartly dressed in gray suit over a white shirt, came out with a grin on his face. He was a young Jamaican man in his mid 30's and had a build of an average man.

"It was a false alarm!" He said with a strong Jamaican accent. "Not'ing to worry about."

Everyone cheered and went back inside to carry on with their work. Kids even waved at the Fire Truck as it passed by.

"Mr. Carr." Said a soft female voice.

The Manager turned around and saw Sophia running towards him with Ade lagging behind.

"Oh Sophia!" The Manager smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"Have you seen Vernon?" Sophia asked. She was still worrying inside. She figured her would not be a rest until she saw it with her own eyes that Sharni was safe.

"Oh yes." Mr. Carr nodded. "I told 'im to wait by my van."

"Is anyone with him?"

"Yes." He said after a quick hesitation. "'Is cousin, Andre is with 'im."

"And Sharni?"

Mr. Carr shook his head with assurance. "I didn't see 'er."

Sophia's heart missed a beat. The tension in her heart had increase as started to panic again. She was at a point where a single was unable to escape her mouth.

"Are you sure you didn't see her?" Ade asked with concern. He placed his hands on his sister's shoulders to comfort her.

Mr. Carr nodded again. This time the smile faded away as he noticed upset faces of Sophia and Ade.

The "What If" Challenge Series: The Alternative College Lovers (18+)Where stories live. Discover now