Because, I Had to Save Him

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Harry groaned as he rubbed at his painfully concave stomach. He hadn't had a full meal for several days now, and with the full moon tonight he doubted he'd be able to stay here much longer.

"Dammit! Why does my animagus have to be so weird!" Harry growled to himself as he dug his fists into his hair. For a moment they sharpened into paws with claws and Harry was forced to pull them away lest he scratch himself. Instead, he turned to stare into his reflection in the river beside him. Silver, moon touched hair hung down in smooth strands. It was longer on one side than the other where he had tried to cut it himself a few weeks ago. His eyes were an eerie shade of gold that would look more at home on the face of a great cat.

Harry grimaced. Though he had slowly become accustomed to the new face that stared back at him, it was still off putting to see something other than the features he was born with. Even now, he felt a pang of unease as he looked into his own inhuman eyes.

Ever since he fell through the veil in search of Sirius, Harry's animagus instincts and features had become more prevalent. Upon waking in this new world, Harry had been startled by his new appearance. At first, he had thought traveling between world had somehow bleached him. It wasn't until he went through a forced transformation on the next full moon that he realized otherwise.

Harry had assumed he was merely feeling restless due to sleeping inside (he had found himself outside a small village and the local orphanage was kind enough to put up with him for a night or two). When the moon rose however, he quickly realized that was not the case as energy flooded into him. It felt as if he was being filled with raw magical power. His body filled to the brim, Harry transformed into animagus form without any sort of thought or choice in the matter. Thankfully, it was only his animagus form and didn't truly hurt. He was a good bit larger than he remembered being the last time he transformed however. His instincts were also very much more present as well. Harry, being surprised by them, ended up destroying the chicken coop before he realized what he was doing. Thankfully, Harry caught himself before eating any of the birds.

It was just awkward transforming in front of the orphanage that had offered him shelter. Needless to say, Harry quickly moved on. Over the next coming months, Harry learned of the other side affects of being bonded closer with his animagus form.

The first thing was obviously his looks while in human form and being forcibly transformed when in the presence of full moon light. Apparently, his animagus form had always been susceptible to absorbing moon magic and Harry had just never noticed due to his separation from his inner beast. Now that it was closer to the surface, Harry was drastically affected by the phases of the moon. On new moons, Harry could barely be bothered to wake or do anything. On Full moons he was full of energy the day before and went through a forced transformation each night.

The second thing was the instincts. While in animagus form they were loud and pervasive; it was often hard to keep himself from acting on them. When he was hungry they became even louder, to the point he had gone after livestock and eaten it raw before he realized what he was doing. Thankfully, this only happened when he was particularly hungry. When he had eaten beforehand, Harry found himself much more in control. However, even in human form, the instincts were still there. Harry found himself having odd urges, like growling when someone disrespected him, or wanting to chase and stalk birds or other small animals. Luckily, these were never very strong, more like passing thoughts than anything else. However, he did find himself drawn to water and taking long naps in the sun during mid-day. Though slightly odd, Harry found swimming and napping in the sun to be enjoyable and didn't mind these instincts half as much as the others.

Now as he gazed at his reflection, Harry once again wished to go swimming. He pushed it down with a frown. He was in the middle of a city, the water was likely dirty, and he had more important things to do. Like find some food before the moon rose.

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