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Mina's POV
Half way to the house, I fall to the ground on the side of the road. As my body lands, my head hits the cement and little spots dance across my vision. A strike of pain goes through my head and a sharp breath leaves my throat. I blink a little and see Cassie leaning over me. She looks like she's going to cry.

"Mina? Come on, we aren't too far. We have to keep going," she says as she helps me off the ground. I lean against her, feeling a bit dizzy. She continues to hold me up as we walk back to the house. We take the dirt road through the woods because our house is there for privacy.

By the time we get there, we both are breathing heavily. Mine a little more ragged than Cass'. She drags me to the stairs that lead to the basement.

"Ok, Mina. We are almost there. Just stay with me. Ok?" I nod with sweat rolling down my forehead. My left arm and white shirt is now covered in blood. Why is it this bad? It shouldn't be this bad.

We get to the moon pool and Cassie sets me on the ground. "Ok. I'm going to pull the glass out now." I nod once again, not entirely processing her words as another sharp pain goes through my head. Instead of pulling the glass out with her hands she uses her powers and I scream as she swiftly pulls the glass out. It was a lot deeper than I thought. My leg isn't nearly as bad though. Blood pours out of the wound faster and creates a small pool beneath my arm.

"You have to get in the water Mina." With both of our efforts, I get into the moon pool and after a minute I'm a mermaid again. We hold our breaths waiting for the healing to begin, but nothing happens. My eyelids start to droop and feel myself losing consciousness.

"Why isn't it working?!" Cass yells. "Why aren't you healing?! Mina?" I gulp in a breath of air and open my eyes. I gasp as another sharp pain goes through my head and my hand swiftly goes to touch it. A gooey substance coats two of my fingers and I look to see blood on them.

"Your moon ring. Use... use your moon ring," I stutter. Then the darkness overtakes me.

Scott's PoV
I look at Stiles in disbelief at what he just told me. We just left Derek's house after finding out about the Alpha pack and now this.

"What?" I ask Stiles for the second time. He rolls his eyes in exaggeration before explaining again.

"The two girls that we saw at the lake. They're in our class, Scott. They're the new girls. Mina and Cassie," he repeats. "They left before I could say anything to them though, and you were already gone, dealing with Issacc, so I decided to wait to go after them."

Stiles explains to me that they were the ones that we saw at the lake. The ones that had tails. I can't believe we are dealing with another supernatural creature. We already have enough problems with Issac and the alpha pack, not to mention I have to focus on school and maybe fix things with Allison. I'm just hoping that they aren't dangerous.

"They can't actually be mermaids can they?" I ask Stiles.

"We should ask Deaton. But it wouldn't surprise me if they existed with all that's going on. Not to mention, most of the ocean is undiscovered and it covers most of the planet," he answers. I nod in understanding and quickly text my boss that I need his help.

"We will ask Deaton. Then we will talk to your dad to get some information on them." I sigh.


We get to the animal clinic to see my boss.

"Hey, Deaton? Do you know anything about mermaids existing?" Stiles asks bluntly and I give him a look. Deaton's eyebrows scrunch together and we wait silently for him to reply.

"I've only heard of stories, but I do know that most mermaids are harmless. I know that mermaids hardly ever come on land. So it's rare to see one. Why do you ask?" I glance at Stiles before looking back at my boss.

I put hands together before responding, "we may have seen one in the lake and we might know who it is."

"Ok. If you do come across them again, I'd be careful. Some are known to louywer sailors to their deaths by singing to them," he says. We nod before we take off to the sheriff station.

"Hey dad!" Stiles yells, not looking suspicious at all. I grimace as we walk into his office.

"Scott. Stiles. What do you two want," Mr. Stilinski asks, getting right to the point.

"What? What makes you think that we want something? Can't I just come to say hi to my father?" I roll my eyes at Stiles' obviousness.

"Cause you always want something, Stiles." My best friend's face falls at this comment. So I decide to ask him.

"We were wondering if you know anything about these two girls. They're new and their names are Mina and Cassie. We aren't sure what they're last names are though."

"You both know that I can't give out people's information," Mr. Stilinski responds in disbelief. We look at each other.

"Please dad. This is important." Mr. Stilinski doesn't say anything back, he just types something into his computer. As he looks at it for a moment though, he looks confused.

"What? What is it," Stiles asks impatiently.

"There's nothing on them. No birth certificate or anything," Mr. Stilinski responds, confused.


Mina's POV

"Mina, you ready for a swim," Evan asks me with a wide smile. We are on a date tonight, but we had to stay hidden because it's not a very welcomed idea for a mermaid and a merman being together. I feel the guilt filling my stomach, but the feeling of my love for him overcomes it.

"Evan.. you know we can't be seen together. I wish we could, but it's too dangerous." I look down at my bare feet in the sand, sad that I can't be with him out in the open like a normal couple.

"Come on, Mina. We'll just avoid your pod and go on the other side of the island. No one will see us. We can't hide forever." He takes my hand in his, looking into my dark brown orbs. Without listening for my answer, he sweeps me up into his arms and starts walking in the direction of the ocean.

"Evan! No, it's too dangerous," I scream at him but we were already in the water and before I know it, I have a tail. I turn around about to yell at him again, but I stop when I see him staring off in a different direction. My eyes then land on someone from my pod. Darya. She's looking straight at me with disapproval and panic set on her face. Before anyone can say anything though, Evan takes my hand and forces me to swim away with him.

"Evan, stop! We have to go back!"

Suddenly I awaken and sharply intake multiple breaths of air. I quickly realize that I'm no longer in the water in my mermaid form. Instead I'm human and laying on the cold hard ground. Frantically I look at where my wounds once were only to find nothing but a scar. All the wounds have disappeared. The only evidence that they were ever there is a scar and dried blood.

"Oh my God, mina! Your awake! You scared me to death!" a scream filled the air. Before I could move, Cass is holding me tightly in a hug. "When you passed out, the moon ring healed your wounds, but you wouldn't wake up and I didn't know what to do! I was freaking out!"

"Cass, I'm fine. I'm perfectly ok, thanks to you," I respond in a calm manner. She nods and hesitantly let's go of me. We smile at each other and sit in silence for a second, until I hear the sound of Cassie's stomach rumbling. She glances up at me in embarrassment, before my own stomach growls. Our eyes widen and her blue meet my brown, but then we burst out laughing.

"Come on, let's go eat some lobsters," I tell Cass before getting up and running up the stairs in excitement.

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