Ch. 1 -A Fresh Start

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Ch. 1

A Fresh Start

There it was again, as familiar and usual as ever - the crisp slam! of locker doors, complimented by the wafting scent of freshly-sharpened Dixon Ticonderogas and the excited babble which secondary school hallways are so accustomed to.

I fought my way through clusters of students, shooting meek smiles to the random classmates who waved at me in greeting.

It was January 4th, and classes at Stratford Secondary had officially resumed session, commencing the second and final semester of the year.

Though I wasn’t one of those people who absolutely despised school above all else, I will admit that coming back after nearly three weeks of break for the holidays wasn’t exactly what I’d call thrilling.

All I could console myself on was the fact that this was it: I was in the midst of the home stretch. One more semester and then I’d be off to McGill.

I could only hope that this semester would be a bit less dramatic than last semester...

Thinking back on that, it seems almost ridiculous how much happened within a matter of mere months.

Not only did I start dating the new kid Greg Loyle, but I also got caught up in an affair with Justin Bieber, whom everyone thought I hated (which, admittedly, was true - until I got assigned to work on a project with him and, one drunken celebrity party later, we started sneaking around). What made the situation more complicated was the fact that all of my friends hated Justin and his friends, and vice versa. Furthermore, Justin was in a relationship at the time with Aubrey Woods, AKA school slut and Mega-Bitch. A few months and hordes of tangled lies later, and everything about the affair got revealed; my best friend Natasha ditched me, as did Greg, and I got humiliated in front of the entire school when Justin denied that he had feelings for me. 

Like all good fairy-tales, however, Justin eventually came to his senses and went to ridiculous lengths to apologize to me as a means of regaining both my trust and my affection.

One national television speech and school news show appearance later, and he got wanted he wanted, meaning things between us - and, for that matter, everyone I cared about - got resolved in the best way possible.

I couldn’t be more thankful.

As I arrived at my locker and began twisting the dial to the numbers of my combination, I was greeted by a voice ringing loudly across the hallway to me,


Glancing up, I was met with the sight of a thin girl with large brown eyes prancing excitedly across the hallway towards me, her long blonde ringlets dancing happily with each step.

“Hi!” Natasha Litzy exclaimed, coming to a halt at the locker next to mine and promptly twisting a combination into its dial.

I grinned at my best friend, absentmindedly pulling my locker door open as I did so.

“Hey Nat,” I stated, smiling.

“So I know that school technically hasn’t even started yet and it’s only Monday and all, but I’m already thinking about the weekend. We need to convince Ryan to have that party he was talking about.” She stated briskly.

I resisted the urge to smile.

Natasha was always the one to be ridiculously on top of things.

“Yeah, that’d be fun.” I agreed, nodding my head.

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