~part 3~

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A week later during lunch I had invited Renna for lunch with the members and I, she said yes. We went to a restorant that wasn't Far away from the entertainment. while we were almost done eating she seem to be enjoying the food they had. Meanwhile when we got out of the restorant she had thanked me for inviting her and ran off to her training room while I just went to where all the members were at waiting to get back on schedule. It was 8:00pm and all of the members and everyone who worked their was leaving to go home. As I was walking to my car, someone had yelled My name. I turned around to see who it was who was yelling and it was Renna telling you wait. I wondered why so waited for her to come, she said can you take me home cause I wanna talk to you about something. I said sure I can take you home. Renna and I  got into the car and I started my car.
Jin: tell me, what was the question you wanted to tell me?
Renna: oh um.. H-how do I talk to a person that I like and share them my feelings to them?
Jin: ... Um I don't really know from experience myself, but my father used to always be yourself and explain the feeling you have whenever you are with that person.
Renna: thanks for the advice Jin! But sorry to ask you a weird question.
Jin: no, it's ok I don't mind at all.. But who's the guy you like?
Renna: I don't wanna tell you because I have to confess first to tell you.
Jin: ok I can wait, but how long do I have wait until I meet this guy?
Renna: on... Idk yet, but maybe a year or 2.
Jin: OMG!!! It takes you that Long to confess to someone?
Renna: no silly I was just kidding. like maybe on Wednesday or Friday.
Jin: ok, I hope it's gonna go good.
Renna: yeah I-I hope so too.
Jin: ok bye, see ya tomorrow Renna.
Renna: yeah see ya bye! And thanks for the ride!
Jin: no problem.
As I saw Renna walk inside her home I drove to my house. As I was going to my room relaxing on my bed I said in my thoughts man, that guy must be lucky if he says yes to Renna, you Know I'm kinda jealous of that guy, because who
Can be more handsomer than me? But I just hope he makes Renna happy. I checked my phone and it was 10:50pm, I'm going to sleep now cause it's late and gotta go to work tomorrow. A couple minutes went by and I fell asleep.

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