Chapter Twenty Six--Mark--A Walk In The Woods

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Well this has been an interesting few weeks.

First, I run away from home after getting slapped by my mother.

Then, I sort of explode and get taken away to a magical land by a Latino elf and a bronze dragon.

Then I find out I'm the son of the goddess of beauty.

Then my friend Phil goes missing.

And now we're on a quest to save him and the world.


"So who do you think the super powerful demigod is?" Sean said, walking next to me with his hands in his pockets.

I shrug. "I would say it's Phil but... I mean he's.... you know."

Sean nodded. "Yeah I know. I think Dan does too but maybe we shouldn't talk about it in front of him."

"Yeah," I agreed.

We walked in silence for a few minutes.

"So," I began. "How are you feeling with this whole ordeal going on?"

He shrugged. "Confused. A little scared. Worried."


Sean sighed. "I hope Dan's okay. He's been awfully quiet."

I glanced forward at him. His head was down.

"I know. I'm kind of worried for him too."

"I can hear you," Dan grumbled.

Sean and I blushed. "Sorry," I said, laughing a bit.

Dan shrugged. "It's fine. I know Phil isn't the strongest."

Sean and I caught up with him. "We should talk," Sean said. "You know, about the prophecy."

Dan nodded. "I've been thinking a bit. I think maybe since we got the prophecy, one of us is the really strong one."

Sean furrowed his brow. "That does kind of make sense. But none of us are abnormally powerful."

I spoke up. "How about we talk about who the enemy is? Any ideas?"

Dan and Sean shook their heads.

I laughed a bit. "Maybe we should have brought a book on Greek Mythology."

Sean laughed too. "Yeah. We're kind of idiots."

Dan frowned. "Wait. I don't even have a weapon."

My hand strayed to my new scabbard, where my dagger was. Sean didn't move, but I noted the spear on his back.

"Maybe we can find something," I suggested. "Or buy something."

"Ah yes," Dan muttered. "Excuse me Mr. Walmart clerk, could you point me in the direction of your sharp weapons?"

Sean giggled. "Yeah. But maybe we'll find a demigod who can give us their weapon."

Dan rolled his eyes. "Why would a random demigod we don't know give three thirteen year old's a knife."

Sean shrugged.

"Maybe," I said thoughtfully. "A monster will drop a weapon as a spoil of war!"

"This isn't MineCraft," Dan huffed. "A monster isn't going to just drop stuff."

Sean pouted. "Annabeth told me monsters drop stuff all the time. Maybe it'll drop a pointy bone."

Dan rubbed his eyes. "Let's stop having this conversation and find some shelter. Or a town."

Before long we found the first town.

I didn't know what town it was, but after walking for what felt like hours, we were just glad to see any sign of civilization.

"Hey Dan," Sean said, nudging Dan's shoulder and gesturing to a store. "Should we go in and see if there's any weapons?"

Dan cracked a smile. "Ha. Very funny Sean. We probably should go in though. We need to buy food."

I tilted my head a bit. "Do we even have any money?"

"Ugh," Dan face-palmed. "I forgot about that."

"Well then," I said, pulling a plate from camp half blood out of my bag. "Let's try this out then."

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