Chapter Thirteen--Sean--Magic Pizza!

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I sit down at the table next to a guy with black hair. He looks as uncomfortable as I feel.

"Hi," he says to me as I sit down. "I'm Mark. I like your hair."

"Thanks," I say. "I'm Sean."

He seems slightly surprised when I speak. "I thought we were in New York."

I scowl and turn away from him. He chuckles nervously. "I didn't mean it like that," he says. "I like your accent."

I turn back to him. I'm a bit wary now though. "Then why did you make fun of it?"

He looks guilty. "I don't know. I'm sorry."

I sigh, deciding to forgive him. "That's okay I guess." He grins. "Thanks."

I sit and stare at my plate for a minute.

Mark does the same. "Uhh, do you know where..."

I shake my head. "I'm new." He smiles again. "Hey! Me too!"

I grin. "We should be friends."

He laughs. "Okay. I'm Mark Fishbach."

"Sean McLaughlin."

He doesn't bat an eye as I tell him my full name. I grin. "That didn't sound funny?" He shrugs. "Well a little bit." I laugh.

A blonde girl next to him points to the plates. "I heard you talking about them. You just tell them what you want and it'll appear."

I stared with wide eyes at my plate. "Cool! I want pizza." Sure enough, a slice of pizza appeared on my plate. I grinned and began to eat.

By the time me and Mark were done with our food, the pavilion was almost empty.

The girl that told us about our plates finished her food about the time we finished ours. "Come on, I'll take you to the Hermes cabin."

"I've already been there," Mark proudly stated. The girl smiled. "All right then. Feel free to explore. Just don't go into the woods. They're dangerous."

"Come on Mark," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. "Let's go look at the cabins."

And I walked off with my new friend.

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