Chapter Twelve--Dan--I Hit My Weenis On A Shelf

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I woke up in a bed.

The sheets were crinkly and felt like plastic.

Or more likely, hospital sheets.

My eyes flew open, and I yelped. I was in what looked like an infirmary. Something was wrapped around my head.

I leaped off the cot, and almost collapsed, banging my arm on a bedside table as I tried to regain my balance.

I yelped.

The door flung open. Sunny stood in the doorway, in doctor's scrubs.

He ran over to me and grabbed my hurt arm.

"Careful!" He gasped. "You're still weak."

I snarled at him. "Don't touch me."

He frowned, then grabbed me under my arms and hoisted me onto the cot, like I was a child.

"Listen here," He said, his face dark. "You are hurt. I am going to heal you. We saved you and Phil and so far all you've done is attacked us and hurt yourself. Calm down."

I gasped, glancing around suddenly. "Where's Phil?"

His features softened. "He's okay. He's mostly recovered, and he is eating dinner." Sunny glanced at his watch. "Or he was."

He lifted his hands towards my head. "I'm going to remove your bandages, okay?"

Bandages? I nodded. His hands expertly worked at my head, and then a bit of cool air wafted across my scalp.

"Good," he said nodding. "It's mostly healed. I think you could use a bit more nectar though." He reached to the bedside table and grabbed a glass of something yellow. "Drink this." The stern expression on his face told me not to say no. I took a quick sip, and was surprised at the taste. It tasted like fruit punch.

I looked at it with surprise. Will's eyes flickered with amusement. "Tastes good doesn't it?" I nodded and sipped again. Will glanced at my head again, which was tingling. "Looks good," he noted. "I think you can go now. I'll have Jason show you around."

I stopped drinking. My mouth was suddenly dry. "What?"

"I said I'll have Jason show you around."

"Show me around where? You mean you're not keeping me prisoner?"

He laughed. "Where did you get that idea?"

"You did kidnap me."

He was silent for a second. "I suppose we did."

I sipped the drink again. "So this Jason will show me around huh?" Will nodded. "I'll go get him."

He left me alone in the room. He came back a moment later with a blonde guy with gold rimmed glasses. He had a scar on his lip.

"Hi," the guy, presumably Jason, said. He held out his hand. "I'm Jason."

I made no move to take it.

"He's a bit unfriendly," Will chuckled.

"I am not."

"Well then come on unnamed person," Jason said, gesturing for me to follow. I set down the empty glass and hopped off the bed. My legs still were a bit weak, but they held, and I didn't hit my arm on the shelf.

I followed him out the door, through the hospital, and out onto the porch.

Jason gestured to the open expanse of grass and assortment of cabins.

"Welcome to camp half-blood."

|A/N: Sorry I didn't upload yesterday XD anyway, who understood the title? It means the skin on your elbow if you don't.|

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