Chapter Five--Sean--I Get Attacked by Non-Existent Beasts

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Sean stared at the dragon.

It was huge, and the color of mud, with a few speckles of blue.

It reminded Sean of a backwards robin egg.

Maybe Sean would have been hidden if it weren't for Gizmo, who barked furiously at the creature.

Panicked, he clamped his hand over her muzzle, but it was too late.

Still holding her, he ran from the bush as the dragon breathed fire onto it. The heat washed over him, but not the flames. He ran down the road as fast as his short legs could carry him, which was pretty fast. He heard the thundering footsteps of the creature behind him as he ran, which filled him with terror and made him run even faster.

He followed the road for a few minutes, until he came to a large break in the trees.

He risked a glance behind him and saw nothing. Maybe the dragon was gone?

He began to slow, which was a mistake.

The dragon burst from the trees, roaring furiously, startling Sean so much that he fell onto his butt.

He stared at the creature, breathing hard, red faced.

Then the girl fell on top of it.

There was a glint of bronze, and the monster fell to it's knees and disintegrated into yellow ash, the breeze blowing it directly into Sean's face.

He stared with shock at the blonde standing in front of him, who turned to reveal startling gray eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked, in an American accent.

Sean was in shock, and tried to speak, but all that came out was a squeak.

Gizmo struggled out of his arms and ran into the bushes.

Suddenly two giant shapes landed on the ground. They looked like... horses? With wings? A boy with tousled black hair sat on the back of the black creature.

Sean squeaked again.

He noticed the bronze dagger in the girl's hand, and his eyes widened even more, if that was possible.

The girl seemed to notice, and sheathed it.

"It's okay," She said in a calm voice. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The boy on the horse thing spoke up, also with an American accent. "Nice hair."

The girl shot him a look. "Not the time Percy."

Sean swallowed, and managed to find his voice. "Who are you?"

The guy—Percy—giggled.

He furrowed his eyebrows at Percy, confused.

The girl walked up to him. "Do you have any technology with you?"

Even more confused, Sean lifted the camera, which was still miraculously in his hand.

The girl stepped closer to him and grabbed it. She then threw it on the ground and crushed it with her foot.

"Hey!" Sean yelled, anger replacing his fear and confusion. "What was that for?"

"Sorry," the girl said, looking genuinely regretful. "Tech attracts monsters." She glanced around her, as if another dragon was going to burst from the trees. "In fact, we should probably go before anything else comes. Come on." She grabbed Sean's arm and pulled him up, then began to tow him over to the cream colored horse thing. "Wait a minute," Sean spluttered. "I'm not going anywhere with you. Where are you taking me? Stop!" He tried to pull away from her, but her grip was like steel. "I'll explain when we get there," She said simply. She pushed Sean up onto the horse thing, and then climbed up after him. A bolt of fear struck him as he realized what she was about to do.

"Wait!" he yelled, suddenly horrified, but it was too late. She kicked the horse, and with a neigh, it took off into the sky. Sean screamed and held onto it's neck.

He slammed his eyes shut and tried not to imagine the ground, hundreds of feet behind him.

"What were you saying?" The girl asked, seeming completely fine.

"I'm scared of heights," Sean whimpered, still clinging to the horse.

"That sucks," Percy said faintly. "Tell you what, I'll fly below you, so if you fall I can catch you."

That didn't exactly settle Sean's nerves.

"Hold on tight," The girl said in his ear, suddenly reaching around him to grab the horse. "We're about to go sonic."

Sean was about to ask what that meant, but then he got his answer.

He still can't describe the feeling.

But soon it stopped, and he felt a jolt as they landed.

He opened his eyes, and saw ground below him.

He fell off the horse onto the grass, a feeling of relief sweeping through him. He sighed, the looked around and saw that a large crowd of people had stopped to stare at him.


Percy grabbed his wrist and hauled him to his feet.

"Welcome to camp Half-blood."

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