Chapter Ten--Mark--Leo Gives Me The Deets

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When Mark woke, he was laying in a soft bed.

He didn't know how he got there, nor did he recognize the place.

But he felt comfortable, and safe.

Reluctantly, he sat up from the bed, which had plain gray blankets. He looked around the room. It was full of people, of all ages, shapes and ethnicity, and very mixed up and un-matching decorations. The sheets in the room were all different colors, although Mark's was not the only gray one.

"Hey, you're awake." Leo was sitting at the foot of the bed. He looked happy to see Mark awake. Maybe he was waiting.

"I'm supposed to show you around camp, and give you the deets."

"The deets?"

"Yeah, you know what I mean."

Mark in fact, did not know what Leo meant, but he followed him out of the cabin anyway.

It seemed to be a huge u shape formation of cabins of all different sizes and colors. The one that Mark had just exited appeared to be a plain wooden cabin, that was very run down. A huge bonfire lay in the middle of the u, but a bit more towards the largest on the ends.

"Nice," Mark commented. Leo grinned. "I know right? I helped design a few of the newer ones. It was mostly Annabeth though. "Who's Annabeth?" "You'll--" Leo was interrupted by what sounded like a horn. "That's dinner," Leo said, nodding. "We should go."

Leo led him through the cabins on the way to the cafeteria, or whatever, and pointed out the cabins.

He also explained about the gods. Mark took the news rather well.

"Gods huh?"


".....That's kind of screwed up."

Leo scoffed. "Story of my life amigo."

Leo continued to point out the cabins as they walked.

"That's the Nemesis cabin," he said, gesturing to a purple and black cabin with a pac man shape above the door. "It's a little more recent, but not extremely so."

He then gestured to a hideous pink cabin, with way too much lace.

"That's the Aphrodite cabin. The girls there are really hot."

I glanced through one of the windows and found that Leo was right.

He continued to point out the cabins.

"So, Leo?"

"Yeah kid?"

"What was that pink explosion? When you found me I mean?"

Leo looked thoughtful for a minute. "Me and Callie figured it was a sign from your godly parent. Kind of like 'Hey! This is my kid over here, come get him!'"

I laughed. "That's kind of cool. Any idea who?"

He stroked his chin. "I don't know. You strike me as kind of a Hephaestus kid. You did have a good eye for Festus."

I thought about that for a minute. "I do kind of want to be an engineer."

"That's cool. I Hephaestus doesn't really strike me as the kind of guy to signal you're there with a pink explosion though. Not his style."

I turned to him with wide eyes. "Have you talked to him?"

Leo smirked. "Once or twice. He's not a bad guy I suppose."

I stayed silent for the rest of the walk, thinking about what that would be like.

Before I knew it, we stood in front of a huge white stone pavilion.

I walked up the steps. "Cool place."

Leo walked me over to one of the tables. "You have to sit here," he said, looking apologetic. "You can't sit at the Hephaestus table. Sorry." With that, he left me to sit at another table. I tentatively sat in an empty seat at the table.

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