Telling Them

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I finish puking and come back in. McGonagall nods to me and I sit back down. She calls my parents with her patronus and I wait for them to arrive. My mother arrives first and she looks confused.

"Please, sit down Mrs. Granger." Says McGonagall. My mother kept her last name when she was married. My mother sits down without question and my father arrives soon after.

"What is this all about?" Dad asks, " I was just about to do something important at work."

"Rose? Care to explain?" Mum says. I nod nervously. I open my mouth but no words come out. I try again, and this time I am able to speak.

"Mum. Dad. You really aren't going to like this but... I'm pregnant." I say.

Mum stares at me with wide eyes, but stays calm. Dad, on the other hand, is angry.

"What? Rose! You can't be... That means... You... You... I.... ROSE GRANGER-WEASLEY! HOW COULD YOU!" I cringe. I knew this would happen. Mum purses her lips, and puts her hand on Dad's arm.

"Ronald come with me." She says calmly. She pushes Dad outside the door and I can hear snippets of their conversation through the door.

"She's so young... Can't handle... Who's the father?"

They talk for 5-10 minutes before they come back in, Dad slightly red in the face. He sits back down and Mum is the first to speak.

"Rose, we are very disappointed." She says, "we can't believe you would be so irresponsible. You will choose to do what you want with the baby, and you will stick with that decision. Now, I already have an idea, but who is the father?" I look down.

"Smmmmu Mmmmf." I mumble.

"Rose speak up." Says Mum. I sigh.

"Scorpius Malfoy." I say. Dad stares at me for a second.

"You mean you... You and him... My daughter and a Malfoy... ROSE HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" Dad yells. I look up at him.

"Ronald! Stop yelling!" Mum says to him, "Now Rose, please tell us what you are going to do with the baby." I immediately know the answer.

"I am going to keep it! I know it's a big responsibility but I know that this is my fault and I will do what is the right thing." I say. Mum nods. Dad just looks flustered. I realize Headmistress McGonagall left the room. After a minute, she walks back in with a nervous looking Scorpius. I smile weakly at him.

"Hello Scorpius. I would say nice to see you but given the circumstances..." Mum says. Scorpius nods and shakes her hand.

"You, Scorpius." Says Dad, "You knocked up my daughter what do you have to say about it?!" Scorpius takes a deep breath.

"Mr. Weasley, I intend to stick with Rose, and we are going to keep the baby. I'll get a job somehow and we will work something out. I already love our child, and I hope you can not be too angry with me. I understand though, I would be angry too if my daughter was pregnant at seventeen." Scorpius says calmly. Dad looks surprised, and gives him a curt nod. I think Mum told him not to yell.

Just then, Scorpius's parents arrive. He pales. Astoria Malfoy comes to give him a hug, and stands next to his seat in the room. Draco Malfoy looks around at all of us.

"Why are we here?" Asks Mr. Malfoy. I look down nervously.

"Well, it seems Draco, that Rose is pregnant and your son is the father." Says Mum calmly. I blush. Astoria remains calm while Draco seems to be in a state of shock. He finally gathers himself and turns to Scorpius.

"Scorpius... Honestly. What would compelled you to do this? I didn't even know you were dating her!" He says.

"Well uh... Fire whiskey on Halloween and uh... We weren't dating at the time but.... We are now and I am going to stay with her." Scorpius says. Astoria sighs.

"I will be supportive of your decisions Scorpius." She says kindly.

"I am NOT happy about this Scorpius. We will discuss this over Christmas. Now I must be on my way, I have important business to attend to. Goodbye Scorpius." He hugs his son.

"Goodbye Gr... Hermione, Rose. We... Ron." Draco says. And he floo's away. Astoria kisses Scorpius on the cheek and does the same. My Dad leaves immediately afterwards and says goodbye to me, McGonagall, and nods at Scorpius. Mum hugs me, and says to Scorpius,

"Take care of my daughter. And please, be careful Rose." She says, directing her attention to me. "No apparition or broomsticks or anything remotely dangerous. Alright?" I nod. Mum leaves and McGonagall turns to us.

"Now, you will go to your normal classes. Professors will be inform, and nobody else. And I will arrange a check up in the hospital wing soon. You may leave Rose, I would like to talk to Scorpius." Scorpius kisses my check and I leave the room. I'm already exhausted. I go to my room and ignore my friends questions. I go to sleep the moment my head hits the pillow.


SURVEY!! What is your house? IMMA RAVENCLAW!

So yeah. Hope you enjoy the story. Make sure to comment and stuff.......

I will try to post on any day possible, at least once a week, maybe two or three times, so look out for new chapters!!!!

Also, if you have any ideas or concerns, please feel free to comment them down below

Yes I know Scorpius's mom is dead, but I need him to have a mother for this, it will help the storyline as we progress. Bye!

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