Chapter 16: Sudden Discoveries

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Hey!  The next chapter is here.  Enjoy reading!

Sorry for any mistakes!

Picture of Shane West as Michael Devenson on the side.

Alexander's POV

''How's it going with Nadia?'' I asked Owen.

We were at a bar near my house. It was a boys' night today. Evelyn and Nadia were spending some time together in our house. It was two weeks after the stunt Andrea pulled that Owen thought it was a good idea to go for a drink with Justin, Peter, and Dean. I didn't want to leave Evelyn alone, so I suggested inviting Nadia over and watching a movie. Evelyn happily accepted and called Nadia the next minute.

As for Andrea, she came again to my house a few days after her first approach. She looked and behaved like she had won. She had this victorious glint in her eyes and I was more than satisfied to see it gone when I told her that I'm still with Evelyn and I'm completely over her. She only said that I was making a big mistake and stormed off. Yesterday I saw her with a famous and rich movie director. Once again she showed me her true self. How could I have compared Evelyn to her? Evelyn is sweet, caring, trustworthy and she makes me smile all the time. The complete opposite of Andrea.

''Good.'' Owen replied.

''Only good?'' I asked raising my eyebrow.

''Well, it's better than just good. It's amazing. She's amazing. I have never met a woman like her. She isn't even my type, but I like her.''

''It seems that you enjoy her company. What happened to Owen who was saying that she was crazy and needed a psychiatrist behind her back?'' I asked him smirking.

''He's gone forever. Don't you dare mention it to her or else I'll tell Evelyn the number of your bed-partners and what you said to me when you decided to sleep with her. I bet she won't be happy to hear those things.'' he replied narrowing his eyes.

''Fair enough. How about the other thing? Did you manage to find out anything?''

''Now she trusts a lot more than before and she opens up to me. She hasn't told me much about Evelyn. Only that she is excellent with the numbers and that she helps her with the economics of the cafe. Ah, she told me that Evelyn is the co-owner of the cafe as well.'

''I already know the last one. Evelyn told me herself a few days ago. With some of the money her maternal uncle left her she opened up the cafe with Nadia.''

''I'll continue searching, but I doubt that I'll find anything. Evelyn isn't a bad person or a criminal.''

''I'm starting to believe that, but I need to make sure that she isn't the culprit.'' I said and took a sip of my whiskey.

''See? I told you that Evelyn's changing you. Anyways, did you hear about Justin?''

''No. Why?''

''He got himself a girlfriend.''

''Justin? Seriously? How?'' I asked surprised.

Justin was a workaholic and always put work above anything else. We told him many times to loosen up a little, but he always refused telling us work is more important. I want to meet the girl who managed to make him turn his back to his work for a little bit.

''I don't know much myself. He will have to tell us. The other two are as curious about that as us.''

As soon as Owen stopped talking Peter entered followed by Dean and Justin.

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