Authors Note **MUST READ**

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Before you read my fan-fiction, please note that:

1. This IS NOT A BELLARKE FAN-FICTION. I can't stand the concept of having those two characters be a couple. If you have a problem with that then get out.

2. Don't read this if you haven't watched the TV series on the CW or read the book The 100 by Kass Morgan. I am basing my fan-fiction on the TV series because I have yet to purchase the book.

3. If you have not watched The 100, I highly suggest you do.

4. MY FAN-FICTION WILL BEGIN AT THE END OF EPISODE 7! But I will be taking ideas from future episodes and throwing them in the plot.

5. I hope you like your romance fan fictions slow-paced.

**I do not own any rights to The 100 or any of it's characters or anything. The 100 totally belongs to Kass Morgan and the CW and whatnot. I'm just a fangirl...*

If you have any questions, comments, complaints, concerns, or HELPFUL criticism, please feel free to message me.


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