7- I Am Famous

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Three days.

That’s how long it takes the press to get ahold of the story.

Venice Forrester has made her return!

Venice Forrester is alive!

Governor’s daughter went missing seven months ago is back!

Venice Forrester!


It’s incredible!

It’s Wednesday when there are cameras and news trucks all around my house as I wake up. I look out my bedroom window and I can see the mob of people and I can hear them shouting at the house even though nobody is actually out there to answer them. I can hear my brother downstairs shouting back at them from inside of the house so I highly doubt that they can actually hear him.

I want to go directly downstairs to explore this newfound fame with the cameras and my inner attention whore is singing, but I have to be presentable first, so I jump in the shower and get dressed before I do anything.

By the time I go downstairs, I’m wearing a dress that’s a purplish color on the top and the bottom is separated by a thin brown belt. The skirt is a floral print that matches the top purple color. My heels are maroon colored booties. It’s really freezing outside, so I grab my black winter coat. It looks very aristocratic and Mr. Erickson bought it for me when he realized that I didn’t have any winter coats. I don’t really like it, but it’s warm so I wear it anyway. My hair is in a side pony tail to the left and it looks pretty cute even in the black coat.

“You do know that school isn’t some fashion show, right?” Emmett wonders as I walk into the living room. He looks tired and annoyed, probably as a result of the unrelenting press outside who are still yelling and taking pictures.

I nod. “But they want pictures and I must look nice for the pictures.”

“Right,” He sighs just as my dad walks into the room. He’s on the phone, so I don’t greet him, I just silently wave.

He waves back and I think that it’s strange that he’s here since he’s usually at work already by the time that I get up, but it’s probably to handle the press, I assume.

“Yes, Bill… no, it will be tonight… arrange it then, please… this is kind of a special circumstance, Bill… yes, I’ll see you in an hour,” He hangs up and then looks over at me and Emmett.

“What’s happening?” I ask curiously.

“We’ll have a press conference tonight but before then, you’re going to have to wait it out,” He tells me. “Can you get a ride to school that isn’t with the twins?”

I shook my head. “Not really. Lexi doesn’t drive and she’s pretty much the only person that I talk to right now. Can’t I just go out there? Look at them, they love me!”

My dad shakes his head at me with a small, amused laugh. “No, Venice, you cannot just go out there. After Emmett and Eli leave, the press will probably follow them, so I’ll order a car for you to take to school after they leave, when most of the press are gone.”

“Won’t they be at school too though?” Emmett asks.

“Yes, but they won’t be able to be on school grounds. If anything, they won’t be allowed in the school,” My dad explains, obviously showing his expertise on the publicity subject.

“Okay, fine, but don’t call a car. I’ll text Benson and ask him to pick me up,” I say, pulling my phone out and starting to type a text to Benson. He gave me his number yesterday in music theory and I gave him mine so that’s how I have his number.

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