Chapter One

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They say people never change. They can put on an act, show people someone their not, but when it comes down to it, they are the same person they've always been, whether it be good or bad.

So what defines a person as being good or bad? The truth is, nothing. It is only the way we perceive things that makes them seem "good or bad." The good you see could just as likely be bad to another person. Fortunately for our society most people's diluted brains think alike, forcing everyone to see things in the same light... for most people anyway.

But what makes a person do the things our society believes to be bad?

She stood a little over 5 feet tall. Putting her among the shortest of the people in the crowded building where she worked. But that didn't make her any less beautiful. Although she never understood why people complimented her, or watched as she walked past, typical I suppose. Her features caught the attention of a large array of strangers everywhere she went.

But she wasn't just pretty, she was deeply intelligent too. And not just book smart. She had an ability to see good in anything. This made her work, at the mental institution at the prison, especially successful. So successful in fact that she was offered 4 jobs at other places willing to pay double and even triple what she made. But she turned them down, telling them, "well I'm sorry but my patients need me here right now."

"Well if she was so damn good with people, how did she end up where she is now!?" The young detective shouts falling back into his chair, clearly annoyed.

"Well sir, I couldn't tell you that, I guess I didn't know her as well as I thought." I tell him leaning over the table to get closer. "Some say she had such a good connection with the crazies because she herself was in fact crazy, and she could understand what they went through." I say and he releases a breath.

"Okay thank you for your time." He says and I stand up and walk out the door.


"William! How are you today?" I ask leaning back in my chair whilst sipping my coffee.

"Oh I'm doing so great today Miss Montgomery." He says, he has such a beautiful smile! It makes my day when he comes here on a happy bipolar swing.

"That's great! I'm so happy you're happy!" I say and he just smiles at me.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask and he thinks for a moment before laughing.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you! So the other day, me n the guys were out in the yard. We were haulin' gravel to the west wing for some new construction their layin' down over there, when all of the sudden, out of nowhere, this damn squirrel runs full speed up to that electric fence. And bam! Shocks the livin' shit outta itself, poor things heart stopped." He says and I sit with my mouth open feeling sad for the poor animal.

"But you know Ed, he's got a soft spot for animals right. So he drops the damn wheelbarrow and sprints like fucking Usain Bolt to the fence, all 380 pounds of him!" He laughs uncontrollably probably imagining Ed running over to the squirrel. As I paint a picture in my head I laugh as well.

"So he kneels down and starts giving the squirrel CPR!" "CPR!"He shouts in between laughs. At this point tears are threatening to spill from his eyes from laughing so hard and my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing with him.

"But that's not even the best part," he says attempting to calm his laughter. "The fucking squirrel wakes up! He saved the damn squirrel!" He says and we both laugh hysterically.

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