Toxic pt1🤕

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Lapis POV

(in thoughts) Why? Why can't i let go off you! You've done me so wrong! I hated it,...but I've done you worst...havent I?

I'm ridiculous...stupid... "stupid!" I yelled aloud of anger.

Lapis was sitting in an empty field , hurt and lost in her mind.

I wanna fix this but them I don't cause I can't trust you ever again!... but you were my first ... someone please help me, but then there's you... Peridot.
Lapis said her name, which made a small yet very revealing blush across her cheeks.

You are so sweet and kind and so nerdy. Always brightening my mood everyday with your jokes, or us watching camp,pining hearts.

Whenever I'll having bad days, you say sweet, comforting and assuring words that's very needing for me and it always holds my head high.

Tears start rolling down Lapis face.

"What's wrong with me!?..  Why can't i let you go Jasper?!" Lapis said falling so the ground on her knees.

She felt lost, conquered inside,  trapped. Deep down there is unexplained hurt and pain inside of Lapis. She wanted one, but can't let go of the hurt from the other.

Why can't i do this right?! You don't deserve me Jasper, but I don't deserve you..Peridot. Why is this so hard for me..💔

I started shaking,  head pounding,  eyes started getting blurry from my head.  Im panicking,  im seriously losing my sanity.

What's going on?

I cant..

Im sorry im just..

"Someone help me... please?"

A tall shadow appears in front me, feeling the cool breeze through my hair and skin.

I slowly looked up, squinting my eyes from the tears and blurriness. My weak, puffy eyes, what a disappointing sight.

It was Garnet.

"Hey, it'll be okay." Garnet took my hand and helped me back on my feet.

"Come on , let's go back to the temple and talk all about it, more or less." Garnet giving a simple assuring soft grin.

As I looked at Garnet, i felt like i coukd really tell what is going on with me and she would definitely understand me, with no judging.

"...o-okay." I saidbwiping my tears.

Emotional chapter huh💔
And short , but this is just the beginning. Enjoy

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