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Hey you all, I know it's been a minute since the last update, but this one is kinda sad, cause well.. not everything can be good! Ya know, but yes, enjoy :)

Jasper POV

Why....why can't I just move on?! Go back on homeworld, continue being the greatest quartz soilder I was but NO! I ran into her, fused with her...and I've been a complete mess after. I don't know who I am anymore, what I want to be! ....Malachite...or Jasper.

Jasper was sitting in the dark woods at night, foggy and discreet. It was lonely, and so was she, trapped in her thoughts.

The wind blew, the precise shape of the crescent moon shined in the shadows of the trees.

The sleek, loud sounds of the waves clashing together in unison over, and over again.

"...I want closure. Freedom. Inner peace." Jasper said to herself, maybe hoping for a good answer back in the woods.
Lapis POV

Lapis was walking around the barn, feeling the soothing grass on and in-between her toes.

*Sigh* She smiled, feeling cool, crisped wind blowing through her blue hair and dress.

Feeling one with herself, but still ...dark thoughts lurked in the back of her head.

A shadow was casted upon Lapis, much much larger than hers, then she turned around..

"Jasper?.." Lapis said sending chills and shivers down her spine. She was spooked, wondering what was the rigorous monster that held her captive for so long in that disoriented fusion.

Jasper looked into Lapis's eyes, but lapis noticed something about Jasper. Her eyes were red and saggy.

"...H-how come u can be free...and all glorious, while I'm STILL stuck in this damn slump. I should strangle you right now!...but what would that change." Jasper said, hearing the cracks in her voice.

Lapis didn't say a word but just back away, keeping her distance, but still was listening to her.

Wondering what she meant exactly, she did know what she meant, just afraid to say it.

"I...*sigh* Jasper you need to leave immediately! I have had enough, with dealing with you and your bullshit!" Lapis said, having Jasper quite on edge of her choice of words.

It was quiet....and uneasy silence had filled the night in between these two gems.

"I'm just sorry." Jasper said breaking down in front Lapis, having her perplexed and...felt so sorry for Jasper. But couldn't let no remorse be shown for Jasper, no matter what.

"And I'm sorry....for ever even meeting a sorry cut of gem like you." Lapis said, walking away, hearing Jasper's weeps.

Jasper soon then left, not knowing where she is going, but only walking a path of curiosity and trying to move on....on her own.

Little do the two know, Steven witnessed the whole thing, on top of the barn. He gripped the gem on his naval, "I'll help you Jasper.... someday."

Well did you enjoy that feels trip? I didn't! Dang near cried typing this. But anyways, please send more requests, and how the format and setting of these stories you would like to read! Gotta Blast!!!

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